The Invasion of Morschauserland: Play-test 1 – The Infantry Assault
This short battle was fought to test my adaptation of Joseph Morschauser’s ‘Modern’ period wargames rules for use on a 3-inch square gridded battlefield. I decided that this battle would be confined to Infantry and Artillery only as I wanted to get a feel for the way the rules worked before moving on to use Armour as well.
ScenarioMorschauserland had enjoyed over forty years of peace, but growing tension with her neighbour – Eastland – had made both countries prepare for war. The Morschauserlanders had reinforced the troops guarding their borders, hoping that this would persuade the Eastlanders to refrain from taking military action; the Eastlanders regarded this movement of troops as a direct provocation, and decided to cross the border and teach the Morschauserlanders a lesson.
The map shows the terrain over which the battle was fought. The top of the map is North, and the Eastlanders entered from the right-hand side.
Forces Deployed Morschauserland - 4th Grenadiers: 1 x Rifle Unit; 1 x Machine Gun Unit
- 5th Grenadiers: 1 x Rifle Unit, 1 x Machine Gun Unit
- 6th Grenadiers: 1 x Rifle Unit; 1 x Mortar Unit
- 1st Artillery: 1 x Howitzer Unit
Eastland - 101st Rifles: 3 x Rifle Units
- 102nd Rifles: 3 x Rifle Units
- 101st Machine Guns: 1 x Machine Gun Unit
- 101st Mortars: 1 x Mortar Unit
- 101st Artillery: 1 x Howitzer Unit
Initial PositionsThe following map shows the initial positions held by the Morschauserlanders and the main axes of attack used by the Eastlanders. The 101st Mortars were ordered to follow behind the 101st Rifles, and the 101st Machine Guns were to advance behind the 102nd Rifles. The 101st Artillery was to remain just off the battlefield and only move forward once the 102nd Rifles had captured the village on their axis of advance.

4th Morschauserland Grenadiers.
5th Morschauserland Grenadiers.
6th Morschauserland Grenadiers.
1st Morschauserland Artillery.
Turn 1Both sides threw a die to see which side would move first; the Morschauserlanders threw a 3 and the Eastlanders threw a 5; therefore the Eastlanders moved first.
The leading Rifle Unit of the 102nd Rifles reached the outskirts of the village and engaged the Machine Gun Unit of the 5th Grenadiers in a melee. The 102nd Rifles threw a 1 and the 5th Grenadiers threw a 5; because the dice score of Rifle Unit of the 102nd Rifles was equal to or less than their Melee Power, they were destroyed.
The 102nd Rifles reached the village and began to melee with the Morschauserland defenders.
The aftermath of the melee; the Eastlanders had lost a Rifle Unit.
Whilst this fighting was going on the 101st Rifles and 101st Mortars continued their advance unseen and unopposed.
It was then the turn of the Morschauserlanders to move. The Machine Gun Unit of the 5th Grenadiers opened fire on the leading Rifle Unit of the 102nd Rifles. They threw a 6, and the Rifle Unit was destroyed.
The Machine Gun Unit of the 4th Grenadiers then opened fire on the Machine Gun Unit of the 102nd Rifles, which was just in range. They threw a 2, and Machine Gun Unit was also destroyed.
The Eastlanders were fired on by two Morschauserland Machine Gun Units and lost a Rifle and Machine Gun Unit as a result. The 102nd Rifles were now down to 25% of their original strength, and were unlikely to achieve their objective.
Turn 2Both sides threw a die to see which side would move first; the Morschauserlanders threw a 6 and the Eastlanders threw a 1; therefore the Morschauserlanders moved first.
Both the Morschauserlander Machine Gun units opened fire on the remaining Rifle Unit of the 102nd Rifles. They threw 4 and 5, and the Rifle Unit was destroyed.
The combined fire of both Morschauserland Machine Gun Units cut down the remaining Rifle Unit of the 102nd Rifles.
It was now the turn of the Eastlanders to move, and the 101st Rifles and 101st Mortars continued to advance. They did, however, deploy from column into a much looser formation.
Turn 3Both sides threw a die to see which side would move first; the Morschauserlanders threw a 1 and the Eastlanders threw a 4; therefore the Eastlanders moved first.
The 101st Rifles moved forward to seize the main North-South road whilst the 101st Mortars moved forward and opened fire on the 1st Artillery. The Mortars threw a 5, and therefore missed their target.
The leading Rifle Unit of the 101st Rifles then opened fire on the 1st Artillery. They threw a 1, and the 1st Artillery remained unharmed.
The fire from both the 101st Mortars and the leading Rifle Unit of 101st Rifles failed to destroy the 1st Artillery.
It was now the Morschauserlanders turn to move.
Alerted to the presence of more Eastlanders to their North, the 5th Grenadiers charged out of the village and through the woods. The Rifle Unit meleed with the 101st Mortars and the Machine Gun unit opened fire on the nearest Eastland Rifle Unit.
The Rifle Unit of the 4th Grenadiers threw a 4 and the 101st Mortar Unit threw a 1; because the dice scores of Rifle Unit and the Mortar Unit were equal to or less than their Melee Power, it was a draw and the dice were thrown again.
The Rifle Unit of the 4th Grenadiers threw a 6 and the 101st Mortar Unit threw a 2; because the dice score of the Mortar Unit was equal to or less than their Melee Power, they were destroyed.
The 4th Grenadier Machine Gun Unit threw a 4, and the Mortar Unit was destroyed.
The 1st Artillery then opened fire on the nearest Rifle Unit of 101st Rifles. They threw a 3, and missed their target.
The final stages of the battle.
At this stage the Eastlanders were down to just two Rifle Units, and as it was obvious that they were outnumbered and unlikely to be able to retreat homeward, they surrendered.
ConclusionsThis battle was fast and furious, with casualties being quite easy to inflict. The melee rules are a little confusing, and I will need to re-read them, and possible re-write them before my next play-test. I can see that with a larger battlefield and more Units things would probably be more balanced. Finally, the lack of rules regarding cover does not seem to cause any problems. If units are in cover and cannot be seen, only indirect fire weapons can target them. This seems reasonably realistic, but only further play-testing with prove or disprove this assertion.