

Saturday 1 January 2011

Good intentions ...

As it is the first day of a New Year, I had all sorts of good intentions about sorting out my wargames room (or 'toy room' as my wife calls it) during the course of today.

Over the past few months it seems to have become somewhat disorganised mess. As I have acquired stuff, it has been slotted into any spare space in the cupboards, storage boxes, or even on the floor, with the result that I cannot find things when I look for them. So a bit tidy up was in order, and the start of the New Year seemed as good a time as any to start ... but when I did start, I soon got distracted.

I soon began to find things that I had forgotten I had, including quite a few unmade model AFVs and an Airfix Vosper Motor Torpedo Boat, several packs of unpainted 20mm US Army figures that I bought some time ago, and a box of painted 15mm 1870 Prussian Infantry that I thought that I had lost years ago.

In the end, very little tidying up took place ... but as Scarlett O'Hara says at the end of 'Gone With The Wind', tomorrow is another day.


  1. Doesn't someone also say 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.' I too attempted some tidying of the kit stocks. Kits now lie all around as I got distracted and started building a couple!

  2. Tim Gow,

    I did check the quote after your comment, and as far as I can make out, the final lines are "...Tara!...Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!"

    I must admit that I resisted the desire to make one of two of the kits ... but only just!

    All the best,



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