

Friday 11 February 2011

To sleep, perchance to dream …

Perhaps not the most apposite quote with which to start a blog entry, but it does sum up the fact that my recent illness has given me lots of time to sleep and to dream.

I am not one of those people who place great meaning on dreams, although I do accept that sometimes they can give an insight into the state of someone’s mind … and if my recent dreams are anything to go by, I have been missing my wargaming!

I had a particular dream that I seemed to go back to several times whilst I was ill. It was not the same dream repeated several times; it was more a series of dreams that sort of followed on from one another. I seemed to be playing a vast wargame – the table appeared to be endless and covered by very realistic terrain – with all my wargaming friends. The historical period seemed to change as the dream progressed. It started just after the Napoleonic Wars, and progressed through the nineteenth century (including a series of notable Colonial ‘adventures’) into the middle of the twentieth century. We fought land, naval, and air battles, and the supply and quality of the models we used was first-rate … although I have no idea what rules – if any – we were using. Every time I awoke from the dream, I felt a bit better … but I stopped having the dream when my temperature returned to normal, and regrettably the memory of it is now beginning to fade.

So what does my dream mean?

Frankly I have no idea … but I do know that I have returned to relatively good health with a refreshed and renewed interest in wargaming … and cannot wait to get back to it!


  1. Bob,
    I referred your dream to Doktor Mikhail Perrivich, the renowned Kriegsspiel Related Activities Psychoanalyst {see his 'Phallic Symbolism of the Britains 4.7 inch Gun in the Works of HG Wells', (University of Slobodia Press, 1999), who commented thus:

    "Your friend is clearly suffering from an extreme subconscious guilt complex that he has deviated from the wargame heterodoxy of using exquisitely painted, expensive, 28mm figures on expensive diorama-standard terrain, referring to voluminous, incomprehensible - did I mention expensive? - rulebooks that produce interminable, indecisive games, but prefers to play with crudely sculpted, indifferently painted, inexpensive model soldiers upon a simple chessboard, devoid of scenery, and is such an exhibitionist that, far from keeping his perversion private, broadcasts it to all and sundry by means of his blog.
    "In his dream, the result, no doubt of imbibing copious drafts of non-prescription drugs, that have released his subconscious mind, he is wargaming in the correct manner, and so enjoys the company of numerous friends, instead of having to resort to the autostimulation of solo-play.
    "Until he abandons his present perverse practices, he will continue to be troubled by nocturnal manifestations of his guilt and self-loathing.
    "I prescribe a massive investment in Perry Miniatures and Black Powder rules..."

    Somehow, I don't think you'll be following Her Doktor's advice!


  2. Arthur1815,

    It sounds like the good doctor thinks that I am suffering from Morschauser’s Syndrome.

    His post-Featherstonian approach has gained favour with many, particularly in the US, but is still regarded as somewhat suspect in some quarters. Those who favour the Borgist approach see Morschauser’s Syndrome as a much more minor aberration, and concern themselves more with convincing sufferers that six is better than four when it comes to geometric figures.

    All the best,



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