

Friday 7 October 2011

Getting there ... slowly

I have had little time today to do anything related to wargaming. This morning my wife and I spent two hours at one of the major High Street lenders ... and it appears that it will be possible to find the finance that will enable us to move my father-in-law into his new flat before we have sold his existing bungalow. This is a small but significant step forward for us ... and hopefully it will mean that he can be settled into his new home before Christmas.

During the afternoon we attended the funeral of my wife's maternal aunt, my father-in-law's 91 year-old sister. My father-in-law was feeling too frail to go to the funeral (hardly surprising considering his age) and so my wife and I went to represent him and to pass on our own condolences to my wife's aunt's family. My wife's aunt and my father-in-law were the last of nine siblings who were born between 1901 and 1920 (two of them died in infancy), and the funeral was probably the last time many members of my wife's extended family will meet before my father-in-law dies.


  1. Conrad Kinch,

    Thank for your condolences.

    All the best,


  2. Weddings and Funerals. Latterly more of the latter than the former.

    Glad to hear that financing may be lined up. Sorry to hear of your loss. I imagine that it has put your wife and your self, in mind of what is inevitably to come.

  3. Ross Mac,

    Too true! Far to many of the latter than the former these days.

    Events like this do make you take stock ... and I am. Perhaps some of my grandiose schemes might have to be replaced by something a little smaller in scale to ensure that I will get them finished.

    All the best,


  4. Bob,

    Re the "care" options in your post we've just collided with those at high speed over the last week. Father in hopsital and concluding he needs care, mother finally accepting that she can't stay in the house on her own. With two parents, one at home and one in hospital we're going to have to deal with two social work teams.

    Don't know where we'll find the time to deal with it all.


  5. Trebian,

    If our experience is anything to go by, you can anticipate spending a lot of time trying to get things sorted out ... and feeling that you are sometimes just going round and round in circles, and that any progress is countered by a new and totally unexpected problem arising that has to be dealt with!

    You will find the time to do it all ... but at the cost of lost sleep, stress, and a feeling that you have lost control over your life.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

    All the best,



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