

Friday 9 December 2011

Memoir of Modern Battle (MOMBAT): Latest draft of the rules

I have managed to complete the first revision of my MEMOIR OF MODERN BATTLES (MOMBAT) wargames rules.

The changes were made in the light of the recent play-test of the first draft of the rules, and hopefully fill some of the gaps that the play-test threw up. I have also added some rules to cover minefields, barbed wire, and transport.

A PDF of the current draft of the MEMOIR OF MODERN BATTLES (MOMBAT) wargames rules can be found here.


  1. Bob, I like the look of the rules and would like to try them out in the next few weeks.

    One thing isn't clear to me. Under non-artillery combat it says both that units reduce their attacks by 2 if the enemy is entrenched and that it takes 2 retreats or 2 hits to affect an entrenched unit. Since infantry and armour only start with 3 dice, and reducing this by 2 dice means they cannot cause 2 hits.

    Does this mean that they cannot affect entrenched units? or can the 2 hits on a unit come from all the enemy fire on it that turn?


  2. Ross Mac,

    You are quite right; I have left a sentence in the rules that should have been removed!

    Originally I had artillery fire and normal combat fire with different rules regarding fieldworks, but in the interests of simplicity I decided to make them the same (i.e. ignore the first 'hit') ... but then forgot to remove the 'd) Units in Combat with enemy Units that are in fieldworks reduce the number of Combat Dice thrown by 2' sentence.

    Thanks for spotting that mistake. When proof-reading the rules I read what I thought I had written, not what I actually had!

    All the best,


  3. I've done that myself.

    There is a lot to be said for using the same mechanism where possible. I like the 2 hits better than the dice reduction.


  4. Ross Mac,

    Using the same (or similar) mechanisms throughout a set of wargames rules makes it easier for the players to remember them ... and if they can remember them they will use them!

    I also prefer the 'ignore the first hit' rule as it is much easier to remember than the 'throw 1 less Combat Dice' rule.

    All the best,



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