

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Going off at a tangent

How often have I been happily working on a wargames project when suddenly I go off at a tangent?

The answer is very simple. Too many times ... and last night was one of them!

There I was, building the hull for my latest model ship, when the idea sprang into my head that I could build model ships that I could use to fight naval battles using David Crook's version of MEMOIR OF BATTLE AT SEA (MOBAS) and that would look 'right' alongside my 15mm-scale* wargames figures. This thought then seemed to preoccupy me for the rest of the evening ... and part of the night ... until, in that stage just before one drifts off into sleep, I realised what I wanted the models to look like ... the battleship playing-piece from MONOPOLY!

My family used to own a very old MONOPOLY set, and it had a small metal battleship as one of the playing-pieces. As I child I wondered whether, if one were rich enough, one could buy enough MONOPOLY sets to field a small fleet of ships to fight battles with. (Ah! The innocence of youth!) This morning I trawled through the Internet and found a picture of one of those old battleship playing-pieces ... and it is exactly the sort of design I am looking to recreate.

It is not a perfect scale model of a battleship. It is a cartoon ... but it has the 'look' I want to achieve. The problem is that I am a good way through making a model ship to illustrate a 'How to ...' blog entry ... so what should I do?

Again, the answer is simple. Do both ... and that is what I am going to try to do over the next couple of days ... real life permitting!

* I know that there is not such 'scale' as 15mm. It refers to the notional height of the figure, but it is my 'shorthand' for that scale of wargames figure (1:100th-scale), and it is an expression that most wargamers understand even if it is not correct.


  1. Remember, Bob, that tangents are not bad things . . . often tangents lead us in wonderful directions.

    -- Jeff

  2. Bluebear Jeff,

    I hope that you are right ... as I am already moving along it!

    All the best,


  3. Much easier to follow tangents than plans!

  4. Bob

    I will send you a private email.

    I know I have some self made models which may do the job for you.


  5. Jim Duncan,

    Many thanks for your kind offer. So examples would be more than welcome.

    All the best,


  6. Send me a private email with your postal details Bob.


  7. Jim Duncan,

    Many thanks. Will do later today.

    All the best,


  8. Hi Bob,

    As a leading authority on tangents I can only refer you back to the Horace quote you sent me....;-)

    The Monopoly ship has a lovely 'old school' and a cartoon look about it - you can almost imagine the bearded Captain poking his head out from the bridge and ordering full steam ahead - I can't wait to see both ideas you are experimenting with!

    All the best,


  9. David Crook,

    I hope that you will not be disappointed by my efforts!

    All the best,


  10. Avalon Hill made a copy of Diplomacy that had 140 metal playing pieces, they are the old Monopoly battleships and cannons. I was going to buy a copy just for the battleships.

  11. Jhnptrqn,

    I never knew that! If I had, I would have bought a copy myself.

    All the best,


  12. I see that there are lots of copies of Diplomacy available on eBay.

    Those with pictures of the playing pieces show nothing more than plastic blobs.


  13. Jim Duncan,

    I suspect that the version of 'Diplomacy' mentioned by jhnptrqn is a rather rare item ... which is a great pity as I would certainly have bought a copy.

    All the best,


  14. Bob,

    Good find. I have seen that ship as well, evidently a hefty paperweight replica. I was tempted to buy one but not so tempted I was willing to pay $38 for it.


  15. Corporal_Trim (Steve),

    Is that how much it cost? Too rich a price for me as well ... although the idea is nice.

    All the best,


  16. The copy of Diplomacy I mentioned has 70 metal copies of the Monopoly battleships and cannon. I was going to buy a copy myself for the battleships. I believe boardgamegeek. com has some photos. By the was they come in several different colors.

  17. Jhnptrqn,

    I have seen photographs of the playing pieces and they seem to come in some interesting pastel shades!

    All the best,



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