

Thursday 22 March 2012

All done on the back of an envelope

I was asked by a blog reader about the plans I was using for my latest ship models, and I replied that my working drawings for the hull were done on the back of an envelope. I don't know how many people believed me, but the truth is that they are literally drawn on the back of an envelop ... and here is a scan of those drawings to prove it!

To show how these very scruffy drawings relate to the finished article, here is a photograph of the hulls as they are before the bottom and top are glued to each. (The completed turrets are also included in the photograph for comparison purposes.)

My first task today is to add a top and a bottom to each hull, and when that glue is dry I will begin sanding the hulls into shape.


  1. Interesting. Are you using the wood from the center for something, or is it just to reduce weight?
    Thanks for posting. I am thinking I may take a shot at this sometime. I always like to take advantage of other people's planning. :)

  2. Ok, so I finally looked at your "how-to". I had thought you were cutting the hull from a solid piece. Your approach makes more sense.

  3. OK, so your ship plans and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address--you're in good company!

  4. Bill,

    I use strips of wood because they are actually cheaper to buy than solid blocks of wood. It has the added bonus of keeping the weight done very slightly.

    Good luck with giving this sort of model building as go.

    All the best,


  5. Bill,

    I hope that you find the 'How too ...' pages of help.

    All the best,


  6. Chirs,

    I hope that my ideas are good ... but I wouldn't say that they were that good!

    All the best,



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