

Saturday 24 March 2012

Bits and pieces

I had some bits of wood left over from the most recent of my model battleship building projects, and rather than let them sit in the 'spares' box, I decided to make a model with them. The resulting 'battleship' is 4"/10cm long and 2"/5cm wide (which means that it will fit into a Hexon II hex) and it is very much in the 'cartoon' or 'toy boat' style.

The design is based upon that of the battleships HMS Victoria ...

... and HMS Sans Pareil, ...

... with a just touch of the ram, HMS Rupert.

The model has the not yet been named officially, but I am tending towards calling her HMS Empress.

Making this model did not take a lot of time – or thought – but it reinforced the idea in my mind that trying to make realistic ship models that can be used on the tabletop with 15mm-scale figures is not an option for me. I am definitely going to stick to my 'cartoon' style of model in future.


  1. Hi Bob

    My vote would be for HMS Marilyn.

    i.e. everything up front !!


  2. I really like this one! Very "toy boat"-ish, in a good way.

  3. Jim Duncan,

    An interesting suggestion!

    As far as I know, it is not a name that has ever been used for a warship ... until now!

    All the best,


  4. Fitz-Badger,

    Many thanks for your kind comment.

    What surprised me was that the model managed to look like a 'toy' boat and yet remained recognisable as to what it was supposed to represent ... and all in the space of 4"/10cm.

    All the best,


  5. Bob

    She looks wonderful - I trust she'll be in white and black.


  6. That`s a lovely little ship - perfect for duck hunting in the tub!

    I can see a whole line of these HMS Betty, HMS Jane, HMS Mae. Though I would have thought the name more suitable for a twin turret design.

  7. Hi Bob,

    Very neat model and looks the real deal. Once painted she will look superb providing fire support.

    I certainly think that cartoon style for the single hex models is the way to go because it is very difficult to make a 'realistic' looking model that would fit.

    Of course they are also easier to build and have that 'old toy warship' charm.

    All the best,


  8. Peter Douglas,

    It is my intention to paint it in traditional Victorian naval livery of black hull, white upper works, and buff funnel.

    All the best,


  9. Pat G,

    Nice ideas for names ... but the don't have quite enough gravitas for Royal Navy ship names!

    All the best,


  10. David Crook,

    I hope to paint her sometime over the next few days. Then she will be able to give some fire support to my Royal Marines next time they need it.

    You are quite right about this size of model needing to be built in the 'cartoon' style ... and that they are both quicker and simpler to build than realistic models would be.

    All the best,


  11. Jfidz,

    I had not thought of it in that way ... but you are absolutely right! It truly is a pocket battleship.

    All the best,


  12. Neatly done, Bob. I look forward to seeing her in Victorian livery.


  13. Corporal_Trim,

    I am actually in the process of painting her in Victorian livery ... and I should be finished later today.

    All the best,



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