

Friday 23 March 2012

More battleships by post

Some time ago I ordered a couple of 1:1200th-scale Revell King George V-class models from an online supplier on eBay. (Please note that this is not going to be a rant about eBay!) They were dispatched within a day of my purchasing them ... but they never arrived. I contacted the seller, and he very promptly sent me two more models, which were delivered this morning at 7.30am.

This now meant that I had five King George V-class models in my as-yet-to-be-built pile of 1:1200th-scale kits (one for each ship in the class)... although since my visit to Herne Bay today that number has gone up to six!

My wife and I had to go to Herne Bay this morning to do our fortnightly check of my deceased father-in-law's bungalow. We pick up any post that has been delivered and make sure that everything is secure. On this occasion we also paid a visit to the estate agent who is trying to sell the bungalow on our behalf, and as the local toy shop is opposite the estate agent's premises I paid it a visit ... and left with three 1:1200th-scale kits. They are models of a King George V-class battleship, a USS Yorktown-class aircraft carrier, and a USS Iowa-class battleship.

My pile of unmade 1:1200th-scale kits has now grown even larger, and I ought to begin building and painting some of them in the near future, otherwise my wife might begin to ask why I have bought them!


  1. Bob,

    Do you mean that she has not already started asking why you've purchased them?

    -- Jeff

  2. Bluebear Jeff,

    Not yet ... but soon!

    All the best,


  3. I do like the Revell kits. They offer a good little model for relatively little cost. I think I have the USS Enterprise somewhere, still in the box.

  4. AJ,

    They are very good value ... and quite easy to assemble. I just wish that they were easier to get hold of.

    All the best,


  5. Even the Royal Navy only had four KGVs.

  6. Hi Bob

    I think you should be locked in a room with only your plastic kits and a tube of glue.

    Build until you finish!!

    A panic button would be permissable though.



    But you shouldn't do that until you finished your Spencer Smiths.

  7. Joppy,

    Sorry to correct you, but they did have five ... but not all at the same time!

    They were:
    HMS King George V
    HMS Duke of York
    HMS Prince of Wales
    HMS Anson
    HMS Howe

    All the best,


  8. Jim Duncan,

    Sounds almost like heaven to me!

    All the best,


    PS. Yes, I should have finished my Spencer Smith figures before starting another project!

  9. For some reason I had Howe down as one of the (unbuilt) follow-on class. Shows I should check before posting.

  10. Joppy,

    The problem is that they kept renaming the ships whilst they were building them. It is no surprise that things get confusing at times!

    All the best,



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