

Saturday 17 March 2012

Turning ideas into reality

I sat down to turn the hull of the wooden RMS Titanic kit I bought in Thursday into a World War I German-style torpedo boat at about 11.00am ... and by 4.00pm I had finished building my model!

Most of the time was spent waiting for the glue to dry on the various components, painting my recently completed 'cartoon' battleship, going shopping with my wife, having lunch, and watching a couple of TV programmes. The actual time it took to make the parts was probably less than an hour, with another fifteen or so minutes spent on the final assembly process. The results look like this:

The model still needs to have its surface sealed with a couple of coats of PVA before it can be painted ... but it does show that it does not take very long to turn a shop-bought, ready-cut hull into a model warship that will past muster on the tabletop.


  1. I know I keep posting the same thing but I mean it. Wow! - very nice work!

  2. Pat G,

    Thanks - yet again - for your very complimentary comments.

    Making the last two models taught me so much that building this one was relatively easy ... and very enjoyable as well.

    All the best,


  3. Tim Gow,

    Many thanks!

    The more of these ship models that I build, the more I am coming to think that there is a COW session just begging to be put on where I can use them.

    All the best,


  4. Don M,

    Many thanks.

    I was very pleased with the way it turned out.

    All the best,


  5. Hi Bob,

    I suspect that Hobbycraft may be needing to up their stock levels of this particular item!

    Very nice and really effective looking.

    All the best,


  6. David Crook,

    Many thanks for you comment. How did your talk with your carpenter go? Could he turn out similar hulls at a reasonable price?

    With the centenary of the sinking of RMS Titanic coming up next month, I would suspect that their stock levels of that model would have been high anyway. I hope so, as I am going to a branch of Hobbycraft tomorrow.

    All the best,


  7. Hi Bob,

    I will email you with the details and a further cunning plan....;-)

    All the best,


    PS How did you shape the gun on the fore deck? It looks really good.

  8. David Crook,

    I look forward to reading your email in due course.

    The gun was very simple to make. First I cut the wooden block that formed the gun's mounting, drilled the hole in the block for the barrel, rounded off the top edge of the block, and then glued the barrel in place. Once the glue was dry I glued the gun and mounting into place on the model.

    All the best,


  9. The very essence of a torpedo boat. You're really on a roll with these models, Bob.


  10. Corporal_Trim (Steve),

    It looks even better now that it has been painted!

    All the best,



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