

Wednesday 23 May 2012

British Battleships 1919 - 1945

I was in the local branch of Waterstone's bookshop last week and saw that they had a copy of the newly revised edition of R A Burt's BRITISH BATTLESHIPS 1919 - 1945 (Seaforth Publishing [2012] ISBN 978 1 84832 130 4) on sale. I had quite a long look through it ... and decided that although it was a book that would be an ideal addition to my collection, I thought that the cover price of £45.00 was a bit steep for me.

Over the weekend I was idly browsing through the Internet ... and found out that the book was on sale at a discounted price that was close to half what Waterstone's had wanted for the book. I hesitated ... for all of about a second before I ordered it.

The book was delivered at lunchtime today and I have spent a very pleasant few hours reading the opening chapters of the book. It is worth noting that besides containing detailed chapters that cover the design and service histories of the battleships that were in service with the Royal Navy during the inter-war period and Second World War, there is also a very interesting chapter that covers the design and development of the various aircraft carriers used by the Royal Navy between the Wars.

I understand that a new edition of R A Burt's book about British Battleships during the First World War is due to be published later this year, and I have already pre-ordered a copy.

Well, my bookshelves would have looked unbalanced if I hadn't, wouldn't they?


  1. Well you will now have to "balance" your bookshelf with books on German Battleships, won't you, sir?

    -- Jeff

  2. Bluebear Jeff,

    You may rest assured that I already have!

    All the best,


    PS. I am pleased to hear that you are feeling better, and I wish you a full recovery.

  3. Hi Bob,

    Very nice indeed! I am quite sure the original publication of this (Arms and Armour Press I think) was going for bonkers money secondhand so a new version is very welcome - especially if you got it at a discount.

    All the best,


  4. Conrad Kinch,

    You are right ... it would have been rude not to ... and I always try to do the right thing.

    All the best,


  5. David Crook,

    I almost bought the first edition of this book when it was published years ago ... but never got around to it.

    I almost bought a second-hand copy of the first edition recently ... and then realised that a second edition was availabale.

    Because of the discount I have got it for less than the second-hand and newly published editions would have cost me, so it was a bargain ... and that is the story I am sticking to when my wife asks me why I bought it!

    All the best,



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