

Monday 30 July 2012

The attack on the Hill People: The background video

I was playing around with Microsoft Live Movie Maker (again!) and decided to turn the scenario introduction into a short video.

This can now be seen on YouTube.

The video features still from Alexander Korda's 1936 film THINGS TO COME as well as the music written for it by Sir Arthur Bliss. It struck me as I was creating the video that this scenario is not very different from some of the ones used by players of a Very British Civil War (VBCW). The only major difference is the causation of the breakdown of British society, not its outcome.


  1. Jim Duncan,

    Thanks! I enjoyed making it, and hope to make further video 'clips' in the future.

    All the best,


  2. That is really great Bob, will have to watch the full film now.



  3. Pete,

    Bearing in mind when it was made (1936), it is not a bad film. Some of the special effects look very poor to our modern eyes, but at the time they were cutting edge.

    I think that you will enjoy watching it, especially if you can get hold of one of the longer copies of the film and not one of the heavily edited ones.

    All the best,


  4. Thanks Bob, I'm watching a copy on ebay- see how much is goes for.

    Have you got any other games planned in the same millieu?



  5. Pete,

    I hope that you managed to get hold of a copy of the film!

    I may well use the 1930's concept of a post-apocalyptic Britain for future scenarios. It just depends upon how things pan out.

    All the best,



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