

Monday 26 November 2012

An idea worth sharing

One of my regular blog readers – Littlejohn – has come up with a very simple and effective method to draw a hexed grid, and his most recent blog entry explains how he used it to create a hexed playing surface for a naval wargame.

His idea was to create a template that used the redundant part of the cardboard terrain from a copy of Richard Borg's BATTLE CRY game. After the terrain hexes were punched out, the cardboard he was left with was a matrix of hexagonal cut-outs, and he converted it to become a template.

The idea is so simple and effective that it deserves recognition, and in my opinion is one of the best ideas I have read about or seen this year ... and for some time before that as well!

Hats off to Littlejohn for coming up with it!


  1. I have an unopened copy of Battle Cry sat behind me as I write. I shall look forward to putting the left-over hexes to use, once I'm allowed to actually open it - at Christmas :(

  2. Kaptain Kobold,

    I own copies of both the original and the latest versions ... and if my enjoyment of the games is anything to go by, you are going to have a great Christmas!

    All the best,



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