

Thursday 8 November 2012

Steven Page's latest battle report ... and his English Civil War variant of the Portable Wargame rules

When I sat down this morning to catch up on what was happening in the world of wargaming (i.e. reading the blogs that I follow) I did not expect that Steven Page would have not only produced yet another excellent battle report but also published an English Civil War variant of my BIG BOARD PORTABLE WARGAME rules!

His battle report is about a tank-led assault by the British on the German front line trenches in 1917, and although I am somewhat biased, it seems to me to have been an exciting, fun, and reasonably accurate representation of such an action.

His English Civil War variant of my BBPW rules follow the same basic format as my original rules, and fit on two sides of a piece of paper. This is not a period that I have gamed very much during my time as a wargamer, but reading the rules made me realise that it would not take a lot of work to adapt them for other, earlier historical periods.


  1. Ha! Great minds and all that. Steven Pages ECW variant looks interesting. My own rough version is for 2\6mm. and deals with battalia and regiments etc. When I can get to grips with this technology business I will endevour to knock it into shape and perhaps post it for consideration. BC.

  2. Thats the second time I have managed to send the same message twice! BC.

  3. BC,

    The more the merrier! I would love to see any number of variants produced by people to suit their particular requirements. Good luck with producing your own version.

    All the best,


  4. BC,

    You are not alone in managing to send duplicate comments to a blog. I do it more often than I care to admit.

    All the best,


  5. Bob, I will attempt to send you the ACW variant I concocted. It leans very heavily on Paddy Griffiths Battle Tactics of the Civil War and uses some of his terminology (old lags etc.)


  6. BC,

    I look forward to reading your American Civil War variant of the rules, especially if you have managed to include in the rules some of Paddy Griffith's ideas about how the war was fought.

    All the best,



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