

Monday 11 February 2013

Four years ... and counting!

I wrote my first blog entry on 18th September 2008, and on 11th February 2009 I added a 'hit' counter to my blog. Since then it has recorded 494,308* 'hits' (almost half a million, but not quite!) ... which is quite a few more than I ever expected!

Looking back over the past four years, blogging has become an integral part of my wargaming. In fact it has often been the driving force behind getting projects completed. It has also enabled me to record what I have done, the wargames I have fought, and where I have been ... and reviewing all of that is frankly a rather awesome experience!

So here's to the next four years ... and more, I hope!

* This was the number of 'hits' at the time I began to write this blog entry. By now it has probably grown a little bit.


  1. Hi Bob,

    I hope the next 4 years woth of blog posts are as informative, inspiring and fun to read as the previous four have been!

    Well done that man.

    All the best,


  2. David Crook,

    Many thanks for your very kind comment.

    When I started back in 2008 I had no idea that blogging would become such an important element of my wargaming.

    All the best,


  3. Hi Bob

    And here's another one!

    Clearly, your topics must be interesting and making sense...

    Thanks and regards

  4. Arthur,

    Cheers! I hope to keep the standard of my blog entries up to scratch so that you and my other regular readers will continue to visit my blog.

    All the best,


  5. I'm the same, I never realised how important Blogging would become to my hobby in general. Its often the driving force behind completing projects.

    Congratulations of the 4 year milestone.

  6. Lee Hadley,

    Thank you very much for your congratulations.

    It is amazing how much blogging has become such a driving force for so many wargamers; let's hope it continues to be so!

    All the best,


  7. Well Done, Bob1
    Spike and i were talking last night about how i had been gaming for 45 years, mostly solo, and had written (or cobbled together) several sets of rules that no one else ever saw. Boggling has given all of us a chance to place our ideas before a small, but very insightful group of fellow enthusiasts. The thought that several of them might find some use and enjoyment from your "work"(play?) makes it all worthwhile.
    I once long ago told my mother that I wished Charles Grant could know how much enjoyment his Napoleonic rules had given me. Just for the record, the same goes for you!

  8. Steven Page,

    Blogging has had a major impact, especially for solo wargamers. They can still fight their wargames solo but can share their enjoyment and enthusiasm with others ... and get the support and encouragement one normally expects from being a member of a club (which I suppose the blogosphere is).

    Thanks for your encouragement and support ... and your very kind comment.

    All the best,


  9. I wish you well for the next four years and beyond.
    best wishes

  10. Congratulations ! blogging does spur one on to get things finished and I find putting thing in print helps collect one's thoughts.

  11. Dear Bob,

    Well deserved, each and every hit! I'm glad I can contribute to that score by sending people your way.



  12. Tradgardmastare (Alan),

    Thanks for your best wishes.

    All the best,


  13. Mosstrooper,

    You are absolutely right; blogging can improve one's ability to get things done.

    All the best,


  14. J de Jong (Jur),

    Thanks for your kind words and the support you have given.

    All the best,


  15. Thank you for sharing your ideas and rules and the hobby and all the rest with us! You are right about what blogging does for us (speaking as a solo gamer myself).
    I get a lot of inspiration, ideas, entertainment, and even some camaraderie from the "blogosphere". All too often I am too tired from "real life", and all of the gaming blogs I keep up with give me vicarious enjoyment of the hobby when I don't have the time and/or energy to do much myself.

  16. Congrats Bob.

    I'm a bit of a late starter to this whole blogging thing but your blog amongst others was a big influence. Many thanks. :)



  17. Hi Bob,
    I really enjoy your blog and wish you all success for the future!


  18. Bob,

    Yours was my first step into the blogosphere. I had heard of blogs, but never checked them out. Your wonderful posts, the comments sent in by others, and the links you have provided, have enriched the hobby for me and enabled me to "meet" (so to speak) many people I never would have otherwise. Bravo!

    Best regards,


  19. Fitz-Badger,

    It was my pleasure to share my thoughts and ideas (and minor idiosyncrasies) with people like you … and to read your responses and comments. It has kept me focused and has helped me no end to get things that otherwise I would just spent time thinking about doing.

    As in your own case, it has also led to me ‘meeting’ other wargamers who share similar aspirations and circumstances (it is amazing how many of my regular readers fight solo wargames!) and for whom the hobby is a break from the stresses and strains of ‘real life’. Blogging – and reading other people’s blogs – can help to keep our heads above water when we need it.

    All the best,


  20. Pete,

    Thank you very much for your kind words. I am pleased that I was able to help you in some way.

    All the best,


  21. The Dancing Cake Tin (James),

    Thanks for your very kind comment ... and may I say that I have also enjoyed reading your blog a lot as well.

    All the best,


  22. Chris,

    Thank you for your kind comments.

    If I have managed to do even a small part of what you describe, I have achieved even more than I set out to achieve when I started my blog.

    I hope that I can continue to be of some service to the wargaming community.

    All the best,



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