

Thursday 4 July 2013

In praise of Peter Laing Miniatures: Part 5

Here are some more of Ian Dury's collection of Peter Laing figures ... this time from the Colonial range.

The first group of photographs show the figures on Ian's superb PORTABLE WARGAME terrain ...

... whilst the second group are examples of some of the other figures from the Colonial range that Peter Laing produced.

I really love the look of these painted figures ... and only wish that I had more of them myself!


  1. Seeing those figures certainly stirs up old memories. Hot action on the NorthWest frontier,the hard fought battles of the Grand Opera War,battling the fearsome Zulu......
    Whatever happened to all those valiant small soldiers? Lost in the mists of time......still, old soldiers (even lead ones) never die, they just.....!

  2. Hi Bob,

    Very evocative and atmospheric in an old toy soldier kind of way. I absolutely love the terrain though - I wonder if the good Mr D could be persuaded to describe how he made it? A discussion over a beer at COW one would imagine....

    All the best,


  3. Barry Carter,

    I must admit to having had similar bouts of nostalgia ... and they are not my figures!

    It is the whole 'look' that I like ... and hope, eventually, to recreate myself.

    Whatever happened to those valiant small soldiers? Well I know that some of mine are in my garden shed, which is currently hidden by a huge laurel bush that needs to be trimmed back!

    All the best,


  4. David Crook,

    The terrain was created by Ian Dury ... who is not the same person as Ian Drury! (Very confusing, isn't it? I am constantly having to remind myself which of the two of them I am writing to!)

    Ian DURY has promised me an explanation as to how he made his terrain. If and when he does, I shall certainly let you know. What I do know is that it is mainly made from small sections of stiff-backed carpet tiles. These can be bought in various DIY stores in a variety of different colours.

    All the best,


  5. I´ll definitely do the write-up on the terain. Couldn´t have been over a beer at COW I am afraid, as the flight back from the Algarve would have been a tad expensive....

  6. Ian Dury,

    I look forward to reading about how you created your terrain ... as do quite a few other people.

    It would have been nice to see you at COW; perhaps it will happen one day. In the meantime, we could always bring COW to the Algarve!

    All the best,



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