

Monday 18 November 2013

Feeling under the weather

My wife and I just cannot shake off the colds that we caught on our recent cruise, and this constant feeling of being under the weather has become somewhat debilitating. Over the past two days in particular I have just not had the enthusiasm to do very much at all. I have managed to sleep quite a lot, to watch some TV, to do some essential household chores, to go shopping for food, and to write a brief article about my Itchy and Scratchy rules for THE NUGGET.

I keep hoping that the cold will go, but as yet it shows little sign of doing so. When it finally does go and my energy levels are fully restored, I intend to fight another play-test battle using my Itchy and Scratchy rules.


  1. Rest,plenty of fluids,good movies on dvd and get well soon...

  2. Tradgardmastare,

    Good advice that I am following ... with the addition of Aspirin.

    All the best,


  3. Bob,
    I hope you and your wife soon recover. Get well soon!

  4. Arthur1815,

    Thanks for your best wishes.

    Hopefully we will both get better over the next few days.

    All the best,


  5. Get a large mug, add 1 measure Whiskey, 1 measure honey, 1 measure lemon juice, top with with just boiled water. Drink. Repeat the above until your face feels numb then go to bed and sleep it off.

    Well it works for me... though I'll concede it's not for everyone.

    Get well soon,



  6. Pete,

    I am certainly using the honey and lemon mixture ... but without the whisky as I am unable to drink alcohol (it makes me very ill!).

    With luck we shall both be feeling better soon.

    All the best,


  7. I hope you and your wife get well soon! In the meantime it sounds like you're doing what you can/should.

  8. Fitz-Badger,

    Thanks for your good wishes.

    We have just woken up (it is just before 9.00am here) and my wife and I feeling much the same as we did yesterday ... although I did manage to get a somewhat better night's sleep.

    Luckily neither of us has anything that we have to do today, so we are going to stay indoors, keep warm, and drink lots of fluids ... and probably max out on awful daytime TV (which is a great way to induce a snooze!).

    All the best,



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