

Thursday 16 January 2014

A new conservatory roof required

The recent persistent bad weather has had a deleterious effect on the roof of our conservatory. The roof is larger than most normal conservatory roofs (it is approximately 20 foot wide by 12 foot deep), and is constructed from flat double-skin polycarbonate sheets. These are light and strong, but are now almost fifteen years old and are beginning to deteriorate. Furthermore, because the roof is flat and almost horizontal, they flex when the wind comes from the west and south-west, and this has caused the flashing that forms a watertight seal between the roof and the end walls of the conservatory to fail. As a result water is now penetrating into the conservatory and is beginning to damage the plasterwork.

My wife and I have therefore decided to have the existing roof replaced by a new heavier, double-hipped lean to-style, double-glazed glass roof, and this should be being done in March. We are also having the conservatory's window glass replaced with new double-glazed units. The glass will be far more thermally efficient than the existing polycarbonate sheeting, and hopefully will enable us to use the conservatory throughout the year rather than just during the warmer spring, summer, and autumn months. (We do have heating in the conservatory, but it only just keeps the chill off the room during the winter months.)

One thing we will have to do before the new roof is installed is to clear everything out of the conservatory ... and it is apparent that this is going to take us quite a bit of time and effort. I suspect that we will use the opportunity to have a big clear-out and to 'rationalise' what we will keep.

We will have to find somewhere to store everything we are going to keep, and it is likely that my toy/wargames room (which is already quite full) will have to be utilised. The upshot will be that I may well find my ability (and available time) to fight wargames will be restricted for several months to come.


  1. Ain't that the way. though? The moment that some work needs doing aroond the hoose, the war gaming takes a hit. It's a conspiracy, I tell you...

  2. Suffering a similar experience in the recent weather, I've just spent the morning lying on some boards on our conservatory roof pumping in some more silicone where the polycarbonate roof panels fit under the framework. I'm hoping this amateur but cheap job will do the trick!

  3. Good luck with the remodel. I have quite a few big projects that I have been putting off around the house. Nothing like exposure to the elements to get things moved to the top of the list. Hoe you gaming doesn't take too big a hit.

  4. Having done it ourselves years ago I would only suggest/recommend the addition of a brick wall for the double glazing side units to sit on rather than making them full height.. it makes a big difference in being able to make the room comfortable all year round not the least the ability to add power/radiators...

  5. Archduke Piccolo,

    Luckily I will still have the monthly meetings on the 'Jockey's Field Irregulars' to go to ... and the good old PORTABLE WARGAME was also designed for such contingencies.

    All the best,


  6. Doctorphalanx,

    I am afraid that the situation is too far gone for me to effect a permanent repair, so I will have to get the experts in to do the job. It won't be cheap ... but it will be guaranteed!

    All the best,


  7. Sean,

    Now that I am retired I have tried to begin a couple of major projects in and around the house (i.e. removing enough of the laurel hedge at the end of the garden so that I can get into the shed and sort it out ... but both are on 'hold' for the moment).

    I have my PORTABLE WARGAME to fall back on if I need a wargaming 'fix' whilst the work conservatory is being completed.

    All the best,


  8. Steve-the-Wargamer,

    When we had the conservatory built we made sure that it had solid brick walls at either end and a three foot brick wall on which the existing windows sit. This allowed us to have wall lights, electric power sockets, and an electric radiator fitting. (The council would not allow us to install a water-filled radiator that was connected to the existing central heating system as this made the conservatory an extension.)

    We had wanted to fit a solid roof on the conservatory. This is now permitted under the revised planning regulations ... but the local council insisted that we would still have to apply for planning permission as the original permission given for the conservatory to be built excluded such a change without further permission being given. They did not - however - have any objection to a glass roof being fitted ... and as this would make the whole thing a lot lighter during the spring, autumn, and winter, we opted for that in the end,

    All the best,


  9. Sorry to hear of your troubles, Bob. I know how you must feel: in the last four years we had to have a new bathroon (the existing bath developed a leak that resulted in a new kitchen ceiling having to be fitted), the the old boiler had to be replaced but - thanks to change in gas regulations - could not put new one in old position, so had to have a new fitted kitchen while we were about it!

    I hope your new conservatory roof won't have similar knock-on effects...

    But it does force you to declutter - and you may just find some long-forgotten treasures whilst doing so!

    Best wishes, Arthur

  10. Arthur1815,

    Our conservatory is split into two unequal-sized sections by a wall that currently goes up to the roof. One end is a summer sitting room (it has a TV, hifi, armchairs, a settee etc.) and at the other is a utility area. The latter has fitted cupboards, a worktop, freezers, a washing machine, and tumble dryer ... all of which will have to be removed and - in the case of the fitted units and worktop - replaced by new.

    I am hoping that when the conservatory roof is replaced that I will be able to use the conservatory for the odd wargame session, especially during the summer. In the meantime I will have to do a bit if decluttering in my toy/wargames room in order to create some space for some of the stuff that is being (temporarily) cleared from the conservatory.

    All the best,



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