

Friday 12 December 2014

Another 'Works' outing

Yesterday Sue and I paid another visit to the retail outlet centre at Chatham Maritime ... and I managed to acquire several more cheap train sets from 'The Works'.

We also managed to visit Regal Models, which is located near to the retail outlet centre and on the approach road to the Historic Dockyard, Chatham.

Regal Models is located next to the Ramada Encore Hotel near the Mast Pond. There is free parking on site and the shop has extensive stock that covers everything from tins of paint to Hornby Trains. Brands stocked include Corgi, Hornby, Airfix, Revell, Scalextric and Hobby Master.

The shop operates a world-wide mail order service and is open as follows:
  • Monday to Friday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
  • Saturdays: 10.00am to 4.00pm
  • Sundays: 10.00am to 2.00pm
  • Closed on Bank Holidays
Nigel Drury – one of my regular blog readers and a fellow member of Wargame Developments – recommended that I visit Regal Models ... and it was amazing. It seems to have a very extensive stock that covers all aspects of modelling ... and I could (and probably will) spend hours there just examining what they have on sale.


  1. Bob,
    You are fortunate indeed to be able to visit a proper modelshop! Since Modelzone in Kingston folded, leaving only a poor imitation in WH Smiths, there is nowhere similar within easy reach of my home...

    I'm amused to see that, according to the box art on your train set, the poor fireman has to climb over two carriages to get coal from the tender! I know China doesn't have our Health & Safety regime, but this seems excessive..

    I have a couple of similar train sets I acquired from Poundland years ago, which have a better selection of track, including two points and extra straight and curved track. I can make a long track with reversing loops at each end - great fun!

    Best wishes, Arthur

  2. Arthur1815,

    Regal Models was a great find ... but it is 25 minutes drive away. That said, we go there quite regularly so it will not require a special trip to pay a visit,

    The photo on the box was obviously set up by someone who has no idea about railways! I have used the tender as a source of wheels and underframe for the locomotive as it seemed a bit superferlous to requirements.

    I have been keeping an eye open for cheap train sets every time I visit Poundland and the other pound stores ... but without luck so far. The extra train sets that I have bought have added some additional straight track to my collection ... but some curves that I could use, points etc. would be a bonus if I can find some somewhere.

    All the best,


  3. Glad you finally made it there. Next time you're in the area you might want to visit the Rochester model shop. You can actually park right outside the shop which is handy. They do have more wargames stock,e.g. Frontline Wargames terrain, IT miniatures in 20mm and various 15mm WW2.

  4. Nigel Drury,

    Regal Models was even better than I had expected. Thanks for the recommendation ... and the reminder about the model shop in Rochester.

    I haven't been to Rochester Models for some time, but I really ought to go again soon. I didn't realise that you could park outside the shop, and that makes it even more accessible.

    All the best,



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