

Monday 2 February 2015

A busy week ahead

I have quite a busy week ahead, and don't expect to be doing much in the way of wargaming, modelling, or even blogging for the next six days.

This morning I have to visit the Post Office to send out the latest issue of THE NUGGET, and after lunch I will be picking up two other members of my Masonic Lodge (The Grove Park Lodge No.2732) in order to drive them to a meeting in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.

The meeting starts at 4.30pm, but we like to get there at least an hour beforehand to make sure that we are properly prepared. The meeting will last until just after 7.00pm, and will be followed by a quick drink in the bar before we all go into eat. The dinner should end sometime between 9.00pm and 9.30pm, after which I will drive home with at least one of the people I drove to the meeting. (Sue and I are providing bed and breakfast for the Worshipful Master as he lives in Bristol.)

Hopefully Tuesday will be a relatively easy day. Our overnight guest will probably leave at some point during the morning, after which Sue and I have to do some shopping. On Wednesday we plan to visit Maidstone and/or Bluewater (our local shopping mall), although this might have to be postponed until Thursday if the weather takes a turn for the worst. (At present the weather forecasters don't seem to be able to predict the weather with any great deal of accuracy other than to say it will be very cold. There is a possibility that we will have some snow ... or it might miss us or turn into rain. Who knows? They certainly don't appear to!)

On Friday Sue and I are going for lunch with some friends in St James's, London. We have booked a table in the restaurant of Mark Masons' Hall, where they have an excellent and relatively inexpensive carvery lunch menu.

The lunch is part of my birthday celebrations, and I had hoped that a few more people might have been able to attend. That said, entertaining those who aren't able to get to the lunch will give us lots of excuses to go out to lunch or dinner with them later in the month.

Saturday is the big day ... and I am hoping that the weather will be fine enough for us to go out somewhere during the day. As this birthday is a 'special' one, (I finally become a State Pensioner as I will have reached the ripe old age of sixty five years!) Sue and I have booked a table at a local restaurant for dinner on Saturday evening. We have eaten there before, and the food – which is Eastern Mediterranean – is excellent in both terms of quality and price.

If the chance arises, I will try to fight a tabletop battle or two ... but with the sort of week that I have in front of me I am not sure whether I will have the time to do so.


  1. Best wishes for your forthcoming birthday , Tony

  2. A.W. Kitchen (Tony),

    Thanks very much for your best wishes.

    All the best,


  3. Alastair,

    Thank you for your best wishes.

    My birthday is on Saturday 7th February.

    All the best,


  4. Congratulations on the forthcoming birthday. I recently went to a lodge meeting of a friend which meets at MMH and we had a v pleasant dinner in the dining room at the front with the bay window overlooking St James. They meet on a Friday so far more drinking compared with mine which meets on a Monday.


  5. Guy,

    Thank you for your best wishes.

    I have yet to attend a meeting at MMH, although I have eaten lunch there ... and it was excellent.

    Meeting on a Friday sounds like a good idea as it means that almost all attendees will not have to worry about going to work next day. My Mother Lodge meets on Mondays and Wednesdays, and until I retired I found getting up and going to work next day left me very tired.

    All the best,



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