

Monday 9 March 2015

Clearing my worktable

I fully expected that by now I would have been able to finish varnishing and basing the figures that have been on my worktable for the best part of a week, but I haven't because a large chunk of the weekend was taken up doing other things.

On Saturday my brother and his wife took Sue and I out to dinner to celebrate my sixty fifth birthday, and today Sue and I spent most of the day with my nephew. Before midday we drove across South East London to Streatham to collect him from where he stayed overnight with a friend. We then went to Crawley (which is south of the M25 on the road to Brighton), where we had leisurely lunch before dropping him off at Gatwick Airport in plenty of time for him to catch his flight back to China. By the time we got home I wasn't in the mood to do any varnishing or basing ... so I didn't do any!

With a bit of luck I should manage to get most of the varnishing and basing finished today ... but as I 'won' an eBay auction over the weekend for a batch of figures that will allow me to augment the section of my collection of Del Prado pre-painted 25/28mm-scale Napoleonic figures I am currently working on, I somehow suspect that my break from this project might be rather shorter than I thought it might be just a few days ago.


  1. "Happy Birthday", sir.

    I am struggling to come to terms with the fact that you are younger than I am . . . when you seem to be so much more mature . . . I guess that I'm still a child at heart (although without the health of the young . . . *sigh*).

    I hope that your natal day foretells another year of delight for you.

    -- Jeff

  2. Yes ROBERT - I can fully appreciate the way certain obligations, outings and domestic chores get in the way of Modelling for Gaming - or doing some activity related to all to do with Gaming...guess, at times we just need to be current Project (in 40mm) is something I need to be patient will - as I know what I want to achieve and I just have to wait for time to take it's natural course. Best wishes. KEV.

  3. I was planning a good weekend's painting and then my father in law fell and hit his head on Saturday (he is OK) and my sister fell on Sunday and broke her wrist (she will need an operation and won't be able to drive for six weeks) so I spent much of the weekend in casualty!

  4. Bluebear Jeff (Jeff),

    My birthday was actually a month ago ... but thanks to all sorts of reasons my brother and his wife could not take us out to dinner until last Saturday! (This is quite normal in my family. I still have my sister's Christmas present and I am just waiting until I see her next to give it to her.)

    I'm mature? No way! My wife is still laughing after I read her that part of your comment! Unfortunately - just like all other wargamers that I know - I just happen to be a twenty year-old whose mind is much younger than the rest of him.

    All the best,


  5. Kev,

    To misquote Clausewitz 'No wargaming plan survives first contact with real life.'

    I don’t mind being patient (I know that I will finish this project eventually), but sometimes I just wish that I could forget everything else and get a wargaming project done and dusted quickly.

    All the best,


  6. Legatus Hedlius,

    To have one relative injure themselves is bad enough, but when it happens more than once in two days one has to wonder if the Gods of Wargaming have something against you!

    I hope that they all make a quick recovery soon.

    All the best,



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