

Sunday 1 March 2015

One of those days

Today has become one of those days when I wish I had just stayed in bed.

It started quite well. Sue and I went shopping in Sevenoaks for a change, and managed to avoid getting caught in a traffic jam on the M25. We used an alternative route which was slightly slower but which was far more pleasant. The sun was shining and the a Kent countryside looked as if was finally moving out of Winter and into Spring.

Our return journey was uninterrupted, and we were home by 1.30pm. Then things started to go a bit downhill.

I tested myself on the Masonic ritual that I have to learn by tomorrow ... and seemed unable to remember as much as I had yesterday! Rather than stress myself trying to relearn what I had forgotten I did some work on my Del Prado pre-painted 25/28mm-scale Dutch-Belgian wargame figures.

That was a mistake.

Everything went well until I was about to base the last figure ... and then I sneezed. The figure seemed to twist as I held it between my first and second fingers ... and then it fell onto the floor. As I stood up to look for it I pushed my chair backwards ... and the figure – which had fallen right under one of the chair's wheels – was squashed and was damaged beyond repair. (I know that it was because I tried – and failed – to repair the damage, during which I managed to get spots of Superglue all over my modelling mat!).

Luckily I do have a suitable replacement figure, but it needs to have some minor damage to its paintwork touched up before it can be varnished and based. As a result I doubt that I will be able to finish basing my Dutch-Belgian infantry until Tuesday.

Whilst clearing up after lunch I managed to burn the tips of two fingers when I picked up a glass dish that I did not realise was hot ... and now I am sitting in front of my computer waiting for the latest version of iTunes to download so that I can 'sync' my iPad. Unfortunately the download has been interrupted twice due to problems with our internet connection, and each time this happens everything goes back to the beginning.

If much else goes wrong today, I think that I will go back to bed and stay there until tomorrow!


  1. Hope the rest of the day goes better!

  2. Tradgardmastare (Alan),

    I hope so; I really, really do hope so!

    All the best,


  3. Maybe this will cheer you up Bob.

    Today I finished painting and basing 12 Regiments of Union infantry, 2 Regiments of Union cavalry, 6 Union Commander groups and 10 Batteries of Union Artillery.

    Now just a few Johnny Rebs to do :)

  4. Jim Duncan,

    Your news makes me feel a lot better ... I don't think!

    Seriously though, congratulations on achieving so much in a day. You must feel really pleased that you have made so much progress towards completing this project.

    Hopefully I will have a better day tomorrow ... and I know that I will if I can finally get rid of the cold that I have had for the last month.

    All the best,


  5. I sympathise, my latest woodwork project isn't going too smoothly, so frequent breaks are called for. My daughter recently bought me a card for the workshop -
    Keep Calm, but a little swearing helps!

  6. Joppy,

    I sympathise completely. When something isn't going well, walking away from it is often the best course of action. As to swearing ... I prefer a lot rather than a little ... or so my wife tells me!

    All the best,


  7. I feel for you. I ran over one of my plastic Republican Romans with my chair last week. It was not pretty.

  8. Legatus Hedlius,

    It is the sort of thing that we all do from time to time ... but it doesn't stop it being very annoying when it happens.

    All the best,


  9. Bob, I sneezed while taking my 'Blue and Grey" games pieces of their sprues. One figure "jumped' to the floor. We could not find him. Ten years later, hundreds of sweepings, and tearing out the carpet to lay tile, the little devil is still missing. At least your lad is an honorable KIA, and not a perpetual MIA......I hope tomorrow is a better day.

  10. Steven Page,

    Isn't it amazing when things like that happen! When it occurs often enough one could almost be convinced that they have slipped through wormholes into another universe.

    Unlike H G Wells, who melted down any figures that were damaged during the course of a wargame, I am keeping mine to remind me that things like this happen. As you say, he is KIA not MIA, and therefore deserves to be remembered.

    As to today ... well my cold seems to have got worse – again – and I am walking round with a runny nose, itchy eyes, and a rotten headache. No wargaming-related activities for me today ... and I am supposed to be on tiptop form this afternoon to deliver the Masonic ritual I have been trying to learn!

    Things – as they say – can only get better.

    All the best,



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