

Monday 22 June 2015

Vive L'Empereur: Artillery

After varnishing and basing the last of the French Infantry figures in my collection of Del Prado pre-painted 25/28mm-scale Napoleonic figures, I moved onto doing the French Artillery.

There are three bases of French Horse Artillery ...

... and nine bases of French Foot Artillery, ...

... each base having two figures.

Now that the end of this project is in sight (I only have the French Cavalry and Officers left to varnish and base), I hope to begin the first batch of French Cavalry very soon.


  1. Looking at the French Artillery I had a sudden flashback to the old Airfix set!

    On to the cavalry!

  2. Ross Mac,

    They certainly look rather like the old Airfix French Artillery crew!

    I've just started work on the first batch of French Cavalry, and hope to have them finished by the end of the week.

    All the best,



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