

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Vive L'Empereur: The French Officers

After varnishing and basing the French Cavalry figures in my collection of Del Prado pre-painted 25/28mm-scale Napoleonic figures (which I completed over a month ago!), I finally managed to complete work on the French Officers. They included Napoleon (the Emperor/Tyrant/Monster: please delete as applicable!) and several of his Marshals (all of whom were mounted) ...

... as well as a number of Officers who were on foot.

This marks the end of my Waterloo project ... or at least it should do. I have to admit that I have enjoyed doing this project so much that I have bought some additional figures via eBay, and I hope to add them to my collection over the coming months. I have also realised that I have quite a few unvarnished and unbased figures left from my original collection of Del Prado pre-painted 25/28mm-scale Napoleonic figures that – with a little work – could be used to form additional units.

The Waterloo project is complete! Long live the Waterloo project!


  1. Hi Bob,

    Very well done indeed! I suspect that I am speaking for many of your blog followers when I say....can we have a photographic grand review of the complete armies please?

    I am looking forward to seeing them in action and also VERY intrigued as to what rules you will be using!

    All the best,


  2. David Crook,

    Thanks very much for the congratulations.

    I hope to be able to put on some sort of 'grand review' of the completed armies in their storage boxes. (Taking them all out would take a very, very long time ... and I don't have the room on my table for them all to be on parade together.)

    I did have some ideas about the rules I was going to use ... but now that I have read Neil Thomas's OHW rules I am beginning to wonder if they might be better than what I had originally had in mind. I could also use C&C:N or BLUCHER ... so the field is wide open at the moment.

    All the best,


  3. Well done Bob. You can't beat finishing a project.


  4. I'm looking forward to the grand review as well - of course that's the problem with Napoleonics they just grow and grow!

  5. MrFarrow2U,

    Thanks very much for your kind comment.

    The Waterloo project may be complete ... but I still have some more figures to add to it at a later date.

    All the best,


  6. Stryker,

    With luck the 'grand review' will take place within the week.

    The Waterloo project has developed a life of its own, and I already have further figures - from the Del Prado RELIVE AUSTERLITZ range - to add to the collection

    All the best,


  7. "The Waterloo project may be complete ... but I still have some more figures to add to it at a later date."

    I would say that is more like achieving a key milestone than "complete", Bob! :-)

  8. Complete?!? How can it be complete until the game is fought and blogged?

    But it has been enjoyable watching it thus far.

  9. Gonsalvo,

    What you write is true ... but my original plan was only to varnish and base the Del Prado pre-painted figures that I already owned, so it that respect the project is complete. However additional eBay purchases have 'expanded' the number of Napoleonic figures that I own, and I have yet to use the figures that I have finished on the tabletop ... so it is also true that the project is not quite finished yet. (I suspect that it will continue to grow as and when more figures become available ... but that is another story/project!)

    All the best,


  10. Ross Mac,

    True ... but until the friend that I originally planned to refight the Battle of Waterloo with is completely well again, I will avoid fighting that particular battle. (The Waterloo project arose after I had a conversation with an old wargaming friend about the bicentenary of the battle. It transpired that neither of us had ever refought the battle with figures, and I volunteered to varnish and base my Del Prado collection so that we could. My friend then suffered a life-threatening illness from which he is still recovering. We will refight the battle one day ... but not quite yet.)

    All the best,



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