

Friday 22 July 2016

Where are they now? Sitting on my work table waiting to have their paintwork touched up before they are varnished and then based!

Having accepted the fact that I wasn't going to find the 'missing' Minifigs 'S' Range Prussian Napoleonic figures that I had been looking for, I forgot about them ... and then almost immediately found them when I went looking for my collection of 1:300th-scale Spanish Civil War figures and vehicles!

The Napoleonic figures have now been temporarily fixed to individual bases that I can hold whilst I repair any paintwork that has been damaged during their nearly fifty years in storage. Once that has been done they will be given a fresh coat of polyurethane gloss varnish before each figure's base is painted with Humbrol matt Grass Green enamel paint. They will then be based on MDF bases, which will also be painted matt Grass Green.

With luck (and a bit of cooler weather) the whole process should be completed within a week, at which point I hope to give them the opportunity to take part in their first ever wargame.


  1. Replies
    1. Tradgardmastare (Alan),

      So am I! They will be a valuable addition to my collection.

      All the best,


  2. Glad to hear they have reassembled to answer the call. Do they still count as Veterans if they have never fought in battle?

    Perhaps a Gentleman Pensioner Division?

    1. Ross Mac,

      Certainly well-trained, but not Veterans! They'll have to do a bit of fighting first! As to them becoming Gentlemen Pensioners ... well that is always possible ... once they have become Veterans!

      All the best,



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