

Friday 12 August 2016

A (not so) Grand Review

Having finished renovating, varnishing, and basing the Dutch-Belgian, Brunswick, and Hanoverian figures in my Napoleonic collection, I had to reorganise their storage. I therefore took the opportunity to photograph each contingent as I did so.

Dutch-Belgian Army
This comprises:
  • Three units of Carabiniers
  • Five units of Infantry
  • One mounted officer
  • Four officers on foot

Brunswick Army
This comprises:
  • Four units of Infantry
  • One mounted officer

Hanoverian Army
This comprises:
  • Five units of Infantry
  • Five officers on foot

At some point I would like to add a few additional units to each of the above (e.g. a minimum of one Artillery unit to each and at least one Cavalry unit to the Brunswick and Hanoverian armies).


  1. Yes, Artillery and Cavalry for those Armies that have none at the moment would complete them...looking forward to seeing them in a later Battle. Regards. KEV.

    1. Kev,

      I have some spare figures that might be suitable for conversion into Dutch-Belgian and Hanoverian Artillery, but Cavalry may a slightly more difficult problem to solve. Another trawl through eBay may be the answer ... but I am going to leave that for the moment.

      All the best,


  2. Nice pocket armies, Robert. With two stand units, what does a "unit" represent on the table top?

    1. Jonathan Freitag,

      Each unit is a Regiment ... so each army is approximates to a Division.

      All the best,


  3. I think it really is a grand review. This project seems to have grown beyond your original vision?

    1. Stryker,

      The Dutch-Belgians, Brunswickers, and Hanoverians represent less than a quarter of the figures in my collection!

      This project has grown far more than I ever expected it would, but once the current phase is completed, it should serve me well for many years to come ... I hope!

      All the best,


  4. iir the only Brunswick and Hanoverian cavalry at the time were Hussars so they should be fairly easy to fudge . Black for the Brunswickers (Prussian maybe?), Blue for the Hanoverians (British or KGL ones should do).

    1. Ross Mac,

      Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking along similar lines ... although I would like to have some Uhlans for the Brunswickers as well.

      As to Artillery ... well both the Belgian and the Hanoverian Artillery wore similar uniforms to those worn by the Royal Artillery, so that should be easily 'cured' with a couple of simple paint conversions. The Brunswick Artillery wore a black uniform which was a mixture of styles, and in their case I may have to buy some figures that I have to paint myself ... but as they are black that should not pose too many problems for me.

      All the best,


  5. Bob,
    I've been away in Wales and Durham with no internet, now back and catching up with your blog. You have amassed a splendid collection of troops for the Waterloo campaign and I look forward to reading their exploits on the battlefield.
    Wargame hermit recommended Chris Salandon's simple Horse & Musket rules on his blog recently. I discovered they were published in MWAN 102, purchased a copy on sale at Wargames Vault and downloaded it. I've copied the text of the rules as a Word document, stripped out unnecessary advice about painting &c., so that the Basic Game rules are only one side of A4, just what I like! I'll email a copy to you as soon as I finish this comment.
    Although the Basic Game is designed for squares on a chessboard, I think it would be simple to convert it to hexes. One could use the larger area of a hex to contain more infantry figures, with a few cavalry and a gun to portray a division and its integral cavalry and artillery support, for army level games.
    Best wishes, Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      Because I had not had any comments from you recently, I assumed that you were away from home, probably on holiday.

      The renovation, varnishing, and basing of my collection continues, and I hope to complete the task this side of the New Year so that I can begin using them.

      I look forward to seeing a copy of Chris's rules. I have written a simple set of Napoleonic rules, but I'm always on the lookout for new and better ideas. I particularly like the idea of an Army-level game, although I might need to use larger hexes!

      All the best,



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