

Tuesday 20 September 2016

A bag full of goodies

On Sunday David Crook gave me a wonderful bagful of goodies including:

David Chandler's THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON (published in 1966 by Wiedenfeld & Nicholson Ltd [ISBN 0 297 748300]), ...

THE FIRST CARLIST WAR 1833 - 1840: A MILITARY HISTORY & UNIFORM GUIDE by Conrad Cairns (published in 2009 by Perry Miniatures [ISBN 978 0 9561842 0 7}), ...

THREE WEEKS IN NOVEMBER: A MILITARY HISTORY OF THE SWISS CIVIL WAR OF 1847 by Ralph Weaver (published by Helion & Company Ltd [ISBN 978 1 908916 57 0]), ...

... and a third-edition copy of Columbia Games Inc.'s wargame NAPOLEON: THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN, 1815.

I was amazed at this gift, and I know that I am going to get a lot of use and ideas from all of them.

Thank you very much David!


  1. Characteristically generous of Mr Crook. That Conrad Cairns in particular is excellent and the Chandler needs no introduction.

    1. Conrad Kinch,

      David is an excellent chap, and I have known him - on and off - since the mid 1980s.

      I am having to exercise extreme restraint, otherwise I would be doing nothing but reading these books all the time!

      All the best,


  2. Very generous offerings from Mr. Crook! Chandler is a great tome of Napoleonic knowledge.

    1. Jonathan Freitag,

      David Crook is a very generous chap ... and I am looking forward to reading Chandler's book.

      All the best,


  3. Remarkably generous. Campaigns is excellent and the game is very good too (although I can't remember whether that edition is the one that "officially" spoiled it).

    And you'll have to do a write up of the Swiss Civil war to let us less fortunate mortals in on a war we (or perhaps it's just me)know nothing about.


    1. Rumblestrip (Andew),

      I understand that Chandler's book is one of the best available single volume sources about Napoleon's campaigns, and I am looking forward to reading it.

      The Swiss Civil War is not one I had heard much about before being given this book, and I suspect that it may well give me some ideas for imagi-nation campaigns. As to a write-up about the book's subject matter ... well I may manage to write something at some time in the future.

      All the best,


  4. The First Carlist War book is excellent.

    1. Simon Jones,

      From what I have seen so far, it looks very good indeed.

      All the best,


  5. Bob,
    You have a most generous friend there in Mr Crook. Many enjoyable hours there. As I age I'm of the opinion that the older books were indeed better written and better illustrated- than more recent works. However, the price some pundits are asking on e-Bay is way too expensive...just having a general grumble. Napoleon's Campaigns and the Swiss War of 1847 look interesting titles. Regards. KEV.

    1. Kev,

      David is a most generous chap, and I expect that these books (and the game) will give me many years of enjoyment.

      I rarely buy printed books these days, the exceptions being older, relatively inexpensive second-hand books, which - as you comment - are generally well written and illustrated.

      All the best,


  6. The Swiss Civil war book is a most interesting read and one i cannot recommend highly enough.
    p.s What the COW dates for 2017?

    1. Tradgardmastare (Alan),

      Even a quick scan through the book has made me realise how interesting the topic is. Lots of potential ideas for imagi-nation campaigns!

      COW2017 will take place on 9th, 10th, and 11th July 2017.

      All the best,


  7. Hi Bob

    Chandlers book is a great read, and I am sure that it will give you lots of inspiration for your own forthcoming campaigns



    1. Thistlebarrow (Paul),

      I met David Chandler back in the 1980s when I paid a visit to the Sandhurst Wargames Club. I was invited by the late Paddy Griffith, and Chandler's book was well known as being a definitive work about Napoleon's campaigns. Despite that I never got around to reading it at the time ... but I intend to now!

      It is on top of the small pile of books that I have ready to read next, and I am really looking forward to it.

      All the best,



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