

Monday 7 November 2016

A change is as good as a rest

After a week away from my painting table and work on my Napoleonic project, I feel much more motivated and hope to start work again on this project in the very near future.

I had originally set myself a goal to finish this project by Christmas ... and I could do that quite easily if I did nothing other than renovate, varnish, and base figures. However I have a feeling that if I tried to keep to that self-set deadline, my interest in the project would wane again quite quickly. So my new tactic is to do a little bit of work on the project as often as I feel like it ... and if that means a gap in 'production' of a week or a fortnight (or even longer), so be it. The project will get finished ... but not quite as quickly as I had originally planned.


  1. Bob,
    Yes - keep chipping away at it when you feel like it. How is the Book Project going? Regards. KEV.

    1. Kev,

      I hope to start work on a batch of figures later today ... but I have a few photos that I want to take for my book before I start.

      Work on the book is progressing slowly, but I feel that I am almost at the halfway point, and that the next part (adding the rules to the book) should be quicker and easier to complete.

      All the best,


    2. Bob,
      Pleased your going ahead with your Book- reaching the half-way point is just great! You are doing better then me- I tend to not be able to juggle more than one project at a time- though I tend to put all my effort into the one Project...I cannot explain why- I've always done it. You certainly have the right Camera for photos for your Book. Cheers. KEV.

    3. Kev,

      Thanks for your support and encouragement. I usually have several projects on the boil at the same time. It's probably a thrown back to being a teacher, where that was the norm.

      Good luck with your current project.

      All the best,


  2. I am now happy if I do even a few minutes a day, even if it is just gluing or basing!

    1. Legatus Hedlius,

      One of the advantages of being retired is having lots more time to do things ... until you discover that Parkinson was right, and that work (or hobby time) expands to fill the available time!

      All the best,


  3. Short, regular sessions lead to big progress!

    1. Jonathan Freitag,

      Thanks for the sensible advice. It sort of sums up the way I want to move forward with my Napoleonic project.

      All the best,



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