

Thursday 20 April 2017

Developing The Portable Wargame: Another update

I have been beavering away over the past few days, and have finally finished drafting and play-testing the Air Combat rules.

They are somewhat different from the way they started out, and now include six aircraft types:
  • Reconnaissance Aircraft
  • Single-seater Fighters
  • Two-seater Fighters
  • Ground Attack Aircraft
  • Light Bombers
  • Medium Bombers
A 1:100th scale Axis & Allies Air Force Miniatures: Angels 20 Messerschmidtt Bf 109 'flying' across the tabletop on a flying stand.
I am also making slow progress on the re-drafting of my PORTABLE WARGAME: ANCIENTS rules. They are currently being play-tested by a number of wargamers who have considerably more experience with the period than I have, and their feedback is both stimulating and thought-provoking. I suspect that this is going to be the hardest part of the book for me to both write and to finish ... but I hope that the end result will be worth waiting for.

One section of the book that I have almost finished is the mini-campaign section. I have extolled the virtues of mini-campaigns and have included a simple mini-campaign that I have developed from one that I first created ten years ago. It is about a revolution and uses a linear campaign track on which the players (representing the Revolutionaries and the Government) move backwards and forwards depending upon how successful they are.


  1. Looking forward to it. Good luck and may you speedily reach completion.

    1. Justin Penwith,

      Thanks for your support. I have to take a break from writing etc., for a few days, but hopefully the text will be pretty well finished by the end of the month.

      All the best,


  2. Exciting stuff. Take a break, you're supposed to be retired! Best wishes.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Cheers! The problem is that when I am on a roll, I find it difficult to stop ... but the enforced break will do me good.

      All the best,


  3. Looking forward to your next Portable Wargame volume. Are the air combat rules designed to work with the WW II rules from the first book, or as a stand-alone air combat game. I'm hoping for the former!

    1. David Bradley,

      The air combat rules in the forthcoming book have very definitely been designed as an adjunct to the land warfare rules that can - if necessary - be used as stand-alone air combat rules.

      All the best,



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