

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Soldiers of the Queen (SOTQ): Issue 166

Despite the best efforts of the Royal Mail not to deliver it, latest copy of SOTQ (Soldiers of the Queen, the quarterly journal of the Victorian Military Society) was delivered last weekend, and I have just finished reading it.

The articles included in this issue are:
  • Isandlwana and a Four Letter Word by Charles Aitkenhead
  • 'Ask for the London Ikonas!': Rudyard Kipling and the Mounted Infantry, South Africa 1899-1902 by Dr Andrew Winrow
  • Dr John Gill: Baker Pasha's Maturin by Frank Jastrzembski
  • Last Man Standing: Colonel John Bonham 1834-1928 by David Howell
  • Book Reviews
  • About the VMS
Every single article in this issue was of interest to me ... something I wish that I could write about every periodical that I subscribe to!

Some days ago the Royal Mail posted a card through our letterbox informing me that they were unable to deliver an item because 'THE SENDER DID NOT PAY THE FULL POSTAGE'. It also demanded that I pay £1.50 if I wanted to receive the item. I duly paid ... and a standard A4-size envelope – with a Second Class stamp for a Large Letter on it – was delivered. In it was the latest copy of SOTQ. As far as I can make out, this was sufficient postage for the item, which was neither oversize nor overweight.

I have informed the Victorian Military Society that this has happened as it is likely that I am not the only subscriber who has had to pay additional – and unnecessary – postage charges.


  1. I may have to just bite the bullet and subscribe.

    1. Conrad Kinch,

      Bite ... and join!

      You know it makes sense.

      All the best


  2. Rob,

    I too had to pay the required (demanded) £1.50- first time ever - so I paid up, not knowing at the time that it was for SOTQ...

    Stuart Asquith (VMS Honorary Member)

    1. Stuart Asquith,

      I checked with the Royal Mail, who told me that the letter must have weighted over 100 grams to attract the additional postage. I have contacted VMS to inform them, but have yet to hear from them by way of a reply.

      I wonder how many other members were effected?

      All the best,



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