

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Spanish Civil War: Day-by-Day: 3rd – 8th May 1937

Street-fighting broke out in Barcelona; the CNT (Confederacion Nacional de Trabajo [the Anarcho-Syndicalist Trades Union]) and POUM battled with the Communists supported by the Generalitat.

A POUM poster.
A column of POUM militiamen about to depart for the front early in the war.
The tall figure (indicated by the red circle) is thought to be the writer George Orwell (whose real name was Eric Blair). He fought for some time in a POUM militia column, and wrote about his experiences in his book 'Homage to Catalonia'
A rather unclear enlargement of the above photograph that shows the figure that has been identified as being the writer George Orwell.


  1. Didnt get to see you at Salute - had to leave before the bloggers meet (I'm Norseygamer) and also a London mason for 20 years now

    1. Stephen Dix,

      Sorry I missed you as well ... and it would have been nice to meet a fellow Masonic wargamer. There are certainly enough of us out there to hold a Lodge. Perhaps we ought to try to organise a get-together in the mess room at a Great Queen Street sometime.

      All the best,


  2. Bob, are you aware of the SCW memorial near Putney bridge, to the local volunteers who went out to fight? I have photos if required. Paul

    1. Paul Leeson,

      I had no idea that there was a memorial near Putney Bridge, and it should certainly be better known.

      All the best,



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