

Thursday 9 November 2017

Heroic efforts ... and the dangers of being a wargame blogger!

Thanks to heroic efforts by my two proof-readers (Arthur Harman and my wife), the text of LA ULTIMA CRUZADA has been checked, and all the typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors have (hopefully) been corrected.

I now have to design the book's dust jacket, and this includes writing the blurb that will go on the back cover. Once that task is complete, I can upload the text and the cover ... and then sit back to await the arrival of the proof copy.

After the proof copy is subject to a final check, I can then approve the book for publication ... which I hope will be before Christmas.

Looking back over the last ten months, I was struck by the thought that I have not actually done much wargaming this year. I have the sense that unless I am careful, I will soon become a blogger about wargaming rather than a wargamer who blogs.

Although the difference between the two is a fine one, it does exist ... and if I want to keep what I blog about relevant, I need to do some wargaming. To that end I have been slowly putting together a small painted and permanent nine hex by eight hex wargame board using some of my spare Heroscape hexes, and it is almost finished. It is about the size of an average chessboard and will enable me to plan (and possibly even try out) scenarios that will work with my PORTABLE WARGAME rules.


  1. Excellent.
    I have just bought a job lot of Heroscape terrain hexes with the thought of starting your PW in 15 or 20mm.
    Meanwhile I am having some fun with Neil Thomas' 1HW and 28mm, :0)

    1. Nobby,

      What I have done is paint and glue together enough of my spare Heroscape hexes to form the wargame board, and I will then use it as a baseboard on which to place other painted Heroscape terrain.

      I intend to use it with some of my 15mm figures ... and with luck I will fight my first wargame on it within the week!

      All the best,


  2. Bob,
    I wouldn't worry about your pre-occupation with your Blog - as what you do there is quality through and through...yes, indeed important to have your Blogging punctuated by some games - looking forward to what you come up with in the future...I particularly liked your series of games involving the Sudan colonial period in 15mm. Regards. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson,

      I was just becoming a little concerned that whereas it was my original intention that my wargaming should drive my blog, the blog was in danger of getting in the way of my wargaming. Having realised that, I'm going to make a conscious decision to fight at least one wargame before the end of the month.

      I'm not sure if my Sudan figures will feature in my next wargame, but you can be sure that they will do so in the near future.

      All the best,


  3. Hi Bob,

    I could not help but reflect upon

    "Looking back over the last ten months, I was struck by the thought that I have not actually done much wargaming this year. I have the sense that unless I am careful, I will soon become a blogger about wargaming rather than a wargamer who blogs."

    I know that feeling only too well!

    I am looking forward to seeing what the PW Heroscape set up looks like - and a game or two taking place on it as well.

    All the best,


    1. David Crook,

      How very true! It is very easy to let life - or in my case, my blog - get in the way of ones wargaming. At least you had an excellent reason for your recent absence from the wargame table!

      All the best,


  4. Bob, I found myself in the same situation with my blog. For me, I still was gaming, but I found I wasn't enjoying them and was gaming based on what people would comment on, instead of games that I enjoyed. I was going to end my blog; instead I followed what people wrote to me, which was just do what I enjoy and not worry so much about the blog. Perhaps you should take a few days off your blog and just focus on your gaming projects; the results will inspire you and make for great reading.

    1. Jhnptrqn,

      Taking a step back and doing some wargaming sounds like a very good idea, and it is advice that I am giving serious thought to. Now that my book is pretty well finished I should be able to do what you suggest.

      Thanks for the advice.

      All the best,


  5. Replies
    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Funny that you should mention that idea ... it is certainly something that I am thinking about doing.

      All the best,


  6. I had been wondering at the lack of actual games but you have been a very busy man on several fronts.

    1. Ross Mac,

      I am going to remain busy for the foreseeable future, but I am determined to fight some wargames sooner rather than later.

      All the best,


  7. Game on ... just picked up Developing the Portable Wargame and after a flick through cannot wait "to start playing some games" ... I think you hit the nail on the head PLAY!

    Best Wishes

    1. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      I am pleased to see that my book has enthused you ... and your comment has has a similar effect on me!

      All the best,


  8. Fret not writing and gaming feed off each other,all will be well.

    1. Tradgardmastare (Alan),

      You are absolutely right. I think that I am just feeling the after effects of finishing work on LA ULTIMA CRUZADA. A short rest, a wargame or two, and I'll be back up to speed in no time.

      All the best,


    2. I've been considering starting a blog, in the hope that it encourages me to actually do some wargaming.. hopefully a sort of symbiotic relationship? Anyway, we look forward to a battle report!

    3. David in Suffolk,

      Wargaming and blogging can have a very symbiotic relationship, and as long as the blogging does not become more dominant than the wargaming, you will find that writing a blog can be a positive driving force to wargame more. Give it a go; if it doesn't work for you, it hasn't cost you anything to do except some of your time.

      All the best,


  9. And you want me to start a blog? I am glad if I can get out to my wargame room in our barn once a fortnight! Having said that, I look forward to seeing more about your wargaming activities. These have been a source of inspiration these past few years, and have actually kept me wargaming when I could have been doing something less edifying (teaching plans, grading etc.)

    1. Stephen Briddon,

      I think that you should ... if only to be able to tell us more about your visits to your wargaming barn!

      I had hoped to set up and fight a battle this afternoon, but my wife's car decided to develop a tire pressure 'fault' ... and it took me over an hour just to find the reset button after I had 'cured' the problem (i.e. pumped up the tires to the prescribed pressure). Even then the warning light would not go off ... so a call to the mechanic will have to be made!

      By the time I finished I was in no mood to do any wargaming ... so I had some hot soup and began work on the cover design for my new book. (I had already designed a cover, but after some reflection I decided that it wasn't what I wanted.)

      All the best,


  10. Bob,
    Although I don't produce a blog, I do quite a bit of writing about wargaming and reviewing wargame/history books, so your comments struck a chord with me. Sometimes I begin to wonder whether I might not enjoy the writing more than actually playing the games...
    These days my work prevents me from attending the club I used to visit; nor do I have any wargaming friends close by. So when I do play a game, it must perforce by solo; but there often seem to be more urgent or important things to do, so even solo games have been few and far between of late...
    Hence my current enthusiasm for the simple, playable Portable Wargame systems, and my retreat from historical armies to forces of ImagiNation toy soldiers!
    Best wishes,

    1. Arthur Harman,

      Part of my particular problem is related to my recent promotion within Freemasonry. As the Provincial Grand Orator there is an expectation that I will do Masonic research and produce/deliver lectures or talks ... and this is something that I had previously been doing but have been doing much more of lately.

      I have taken on the specific task of writing the history of a very large and prestigious Lodge ... and the research is taking up a lot of my time. I now realise that it is this that has seriously eaten in to my time for wargaming.

      Luckily that project is a long-term one, and now that LA ULTIMA CRUZADA is within an ace of being published, I can turn more of my my attention to wargaming.

      As you know, I also tend to fight my battles solo, and I have looked to imagi-nations for my inspiration. I suspect that my forthcoming wargames will be solo affairs set somewhere in a 19th century imagi-nation ... possible on the frontier of the Britannic Empire.

      All the best,



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