

Tuesday 5 December 2017


I originally designed HEXBLITZ back in 2007. Since then I have looked at it several times with the intention of reviving and possibly revising the rules, but have never quite got around to it.

Recently Archduke Piccolo has been using the rules, and his battle reports (and some very probing questions) have made me think again about revisiting this project.

Archduke Piccolo's battle reports include:

Please note that all the photographs featured above are © Archduke Piccolo.


  1. Thank you for posting these, Bob. I appreciate the plug.
    Seeing the pictures of the three games in one 'go' like this, does suggest the less crowded table looks slightly better, if less spectacular. Oh, and the white space looks better than the green around the table. I'll remember that another time!

    1. Archduke Piccol (Ion),

      It was my pleasure, especially as you have reignited my interest in these rules.

      All the best,


  2. I am most interested in seeing the results of your update. I would like to be able to run divisional/corp games on a 4x8 table, in a reasonable amount of time, without the need for written orders. The set, as is, looks very much the thing for it.

    1. Steven Page,

      You can find a link to a copy of the 2007 version of the rules on the Free Downloadable Wargames Rules page of this blog. Please feel free to try them out for yourself. I would be very happy to have your feedback.

      All the best,


  3. Hi Bob,
    Not sure where to post a rules Q but this seems to be as good a place as any. Most of the rules in hexblitz are quite clear but the Logistics rules (LOG) seem incomplete.

    1) What is the effect on a division for not having supplies/LOG?

    2) How are LOG replenished? At what rate etc? This is most important to me as I like to game the N African campaign and supplies are one of the top, if not THE top, issues that both sides faced.

    3) How are LOG delivered to the formations. Does a truck actually have to drive there and unload?

    Thanks. This is a clever game and quite easy to understand.


    1. John,

      They LOG rules are rather vague (in fact, almost non-existent!), mainly because they really only affect battles that last three or more days rather than one or two ... which is what I usually fight.

      In answer to your questions:

      1) A division that is out of LOG should not be able to undertake any aggressive action, and should remain where it is until its LOG is replenished. Although it is not in the book, it was my intention that if it tried to retreat when it was out of LOG, it should suffer loss of fighting power.

      2) & 3) LOG is replenished by trucks arriving with new LOG from the main supply dump (or similar location, such as a harbour). It is then unloaded (1 Turn) from the supply trucks and then loaded into the division's trucks (1 Turn) or kept at a local supply dump. A division's trucks could go to a local supply dump and load LOG (1 turn) and then return.

      I hope that this helps. The idea was to restrict players from driving their forces forward without regard for their supply lines.

      All the best,


    2. Thanks, Bob! That is pretty clear. I saw in NQM that a unit that was unsupplied could lose half of its fighting points. I was thinking of restricting unsupplied units by not allowing them to dig in. best defense would be stationary. Similarly, armor would be stuck in place (as actually happened in the Desert!) and not allowing infantry or other "leg" units to use any road movement. The limit on attacking also makes a lot of sense.



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