

Thursday 25 January 2018

Risk: Europe

I have played RISK on and off for many years, and when the LORD OF THE RINGS version was published, I bought a copy. I have yet to play that edition, although I have used the board in a simple campaign game and the figures to play-test my PORTABLE ANCIENTS WARGAME rules.

Until recently I was totally unaware that a RISK: EUROPE edition – which is set in the Middle Ages – existed, but I managed to find one on sale online, and I now own a copy.

I am not quite sure when I will get around to trying the game out, but I suspect that I may well use the components separately before I do so. In the meantime it can sit atop one of my storage cupboards, alongside its older compatriots.


  1. Hi Bob,

    This is a great addition to the Risk family. The figures are very nice generic medieval types (close enough to small 20mm as makes little difference) so there is plenty of PW and DPW potential - not to mention fantasy. I have a couple of sets for the figures alone (£12 each so very cheap)and have a couple of ideas for use with them.

    The siege weapons are very nice as well.

    All the best,


    1. David Crook,

      It was a reference to this game on your blog that made me aware of its existence. It certain has lots of potential both 'as is' and as a source if useful bits and pieces,

      All the best,


      PS. Thanks to you I am also looking at the various AXIS AND ALLIES games as potential sources of useful bits and pieces.

    2. Bob, with these figures and your LotR RISK pieces, you will be able to play Portable Ancients/Medieval/Fantasy battles easily, and campaigns on the appropriate map.
      Years ago, I bought several sets of the Napoleonic version, but never managed to overcome my dislike of the kneeling position of all the infantry figures. Ebay or boardgamegeek will be their fate, I think, now I have my 10mm Pendraken ImagiNations armies!

    3. Arthur Harman (Arthur),

      I have yet to open the packs of figures that come with the game, but they certainly look as if they are compatible with the LOTR RISK figures I already own. It certainly opens up the prospect of using them in PW battles.

      I also owned a set of those kneeling RISK figures, but didn't like the pose. I much prefer the figures that replaced them, but the latest ones look too detailed for their size.

      All the best,


  2. I thought I saw a commonality between David's & Bob's posts
    I too have a Risk game (Tricorn AWI or SYW) bought purely out of aesthetic reasons ;)

    1. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      As I've known David on and off for over thirty years, it's no surprise that we have a lot of ideas in common!

      The tricorn RISK figures were by far and away the best of the three sets they have sold with the game.

      All the best,


    2. There is a SYW version? Hmmm, interesting.

    3. Der Alte Fritz,

      The SYW figures come with the 2nd edition of the original RISK game, not the RISK: EUROPE game.

      I hope that makes the situation clearer.

      All the best,


  3. Bob, if you do ever play the game please do a review as it's on my (very long) Wish List.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      I certainly hope to write a proper review of the game once I can get someone to play it with me!

      All the best,



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