

Friday 31 August 2018

Where has all the time gone?

The time has seemed to zip by over the past couple of days, and until I sat down and reviewed what I have been doing, I must admit that I had no idea where it had all gone. In fact, I have done quite a lot, but on a number of different projects. Add in the demands of normal life (eating, sleeping, shopping, gardening etc.), and the days have seemingly been very full but not necessarily memorable.

So, what have I been doing?

Work on THE PORTABLE NAPOLEONIC WARGAME has been continuing - albeit slowly - and the revised Wargame Developments website is waiting to be uploaded just as soon as the ISP has sorted the current problems out. The Wargame Developments database and accounts are up to date, the labels for the envelopes for THE NUGGET have been printed, and the stamped and labelled envelopes are waiting to be filled once I have collected THE NUGGET from the printer tomorrow. I have collated all the briefings I need for my game at Connections UK next week, and I only have the maps to print to complete my preparations.

On the buying front I bought a 40cm x 40cm cork board from WHSmith which will be the basis of a a very light 8 x 8 square gridded playing surface for small-scale PORTABLE WARGAMEs. All I need to do is to mark on the corners of the 5cm x 5cm grid squares, and the whole thing will be ready to use!

Looking back, I have made progress in a lot of different directions over the past few days ... but I hope to take things easy once next week is over and to be able to concentrate on writing my PORTABLE NAPOLEONIC WARGAME book.


  1. If you want something done, give it to a busy man.

    1. Ross Mac,

      Trus ... but a bit of a break would be welcome once in a while.

      All the best,


  2. StuRat,

    It's good to know that I'm not alone!

    All the best,


  3. Bob,
    Yes, time can get away on us without really noticing it. I began thinking about my Project some two months ago..and now, here we are at the beginning of Spring and I've only managed to build a 1:16th 'Experimental Ships Cabin', also completed the 6ft Long 'Lower Hull' for my 1:16th Airship and built a smaller 'Concept Model' of the Airship model for my dappled in obtaining a genuine MAMOD Stationary Steam Engine- which I have achieved...Oh- plus clothed two Lundby 1:16th Swedish Dolls- as Sailors. My productiveness was also interrupted by about three weeks of having the Flu..didn't feel like doing anything then. I'm just about ready to 'run' my MAMOD Steam Engine and have some fun in the Shed. Your going well there Bob. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson,

      It sounds as if you have done quite a lot in spite of being unwell.

      I always wanted a MAMOD steam engine when I was young, and dreamt of being able to use it to power my Meccano models. I never did get one, and I am extremely envious that you are about to fire yours up and use it. I hope that it works to your satisfaction and forms part of your airship model.

      All the best,


    2. Bob,
      I too always wanted a MAMOD - after waiting over 50 years I've finally obtained one ( and I can well recomend this to you Bob- even if you just use the MAMOD as a Displey Model - it is great to own a genuine MAMOD).- and it is a beaut MM3 Stationary Steam Engine. I fired up the MAMOD three times this Saturday afternoon- with 'steaming' running about 18 to 20 minutes each time- just fabulous. After running the MAMOD I then spent some very pleasurable time cleaning the engine - something very satisfying about using 'Brasso' to get a very nice clean sheen on all the raw metal parts- the Brass glistens!. Yes, it would be great to incorporate the MAMOD into my 1:16th Airial Steam Ship- however, I will have to satisfy myself with a 'Static' Steam Engine and Boiler...would have liked real steam - though I wouldn't want to set fire to my 8ft model (LOL)....Cheers. KEV.

    3. Kev Robertson,

      I must admit that I am tempted to see if I can buy one ... but I need to get one or two projects finished first.

      All the best,


    4. Bob,
      If your interested -on e-Bay (UK and USA) International Sellers do have a good number of MAMOD Engines up for sale with the 'Buy Now' or 'Auction' - I purchased my MM2 from Florida USA via e-Bay at a very reasonable price with just on two weeks delivery. It may take awhile to find exactly what you want at a good price- though it is all well worth it. I was lucky and paid $75 US, whereas the same type of MAMOD was on Auction here and reached $270 AUS on the Final Bid. Yes- lucky me. Cheers. KEV.

    5. Kev Robertson,

      That is a very reasonable price, and certainly compares well with the ones I have seen on sale in the UK.

      When I was growing up, big toy shops sold MAMOD engines (alongside chemistry sets, Meccano, etc.) but I doubt that even shops like Harrods sell them nowadays. Far too dangerous for modern children!

      All the best,


    6. Bob,
      I do not think that the MAMOD toys are dangerous- certainly most teenagers would be fine with operating one given correct instruction to follow definite safety precautions and procedures. Younger Children however should be supervised by a competent adult. We were operating these types of toys at the age of 12 -unsupervised- and everything was fine then back in the 1960s...I do not see that things should change. I think that a Radio Controlled Model Aircraft today is far more potentially dangerous - as are the latest fad being the Radio Controlled Flying 'Drones'. MAMOD Steam Engines were indeed part of the Schools education equipment there in England...not all that long ago too. Anyway- like most things- all machinery has potential dangers...I wouldn't worry greatly about a fifty year old toy steam engine being a threat- the average enthusiast for such things will make every effort to arm themselves with all sensible precautions before operating the 'Toy'. Unfortunately we now live in a fractured and dis-functional Society where the small minority somehow make the 'Rules' -such as banning the 'Easter Hat Parade' for Infant School Children- because it may 'offend'...these types of individuals and minority groups are all completely Nuts and should be seen as exactly that! All the best Bob. Cheers. KEV.

    7. Kev Robertson,

      We live in a risk-averse society ... but nobody seems capable of making rational risk assessments, hence some of the stupid restrictions that have been introduced over the years.

      I jokingly mentioned in a comment that a risk assessment I was having to write didn't mention nuclear accidents ... and what we should do if one occurred. A stupid bureaucrat noted my comment ... and it was included in all risk assessments done thereafter!

      I worked in a very politically correct environment, and having read Orwell's 1985 I could speak fluent Newspeak ... which got me out of trouble more than once. We were able to resist the introduction of a so-called 'Winterval' in place of Christmas ... but it was not an easy fight to win!

      All the best,


    8. You must be kicking yourself now. Think of all the things you could have added to those risk assessments. The mind boggles. I’m sorry, it’s been a long week.

    9. Stephen Briddon,

      I did think of adding alien abduction, a tsunami on the Thames, and zombie attack ... but it worried me that they might be taken seriously!

      All the best,


  4. I’ve been walking around in shorts for a week in the hope of Alien Abduction, but no joy. Oh well.

  5. Stephen Briddon,

    Your trying in too populated an area. You need to go out to a really hick place where everyone in the town is related to each other to stand any chance of alien abduction. This is why Norfolk in the UK is a hot-spot for alien sightings!

    All the best,



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