

Sunday 16 June 2019

Being in a state on ennui

For some inexplicable reason, over the past couple of weeks I have been smitten with that dreaded state of ennui* that sometimes afflicts wargamers. There are plenty of things that I COULD be doing – and some that I SHOULD be doing – but for the life of me I just cannot seem to be able to generate the necessary motivation to do any of them.

Luckily, I have my blog to look back at, and that has provided me with a little bit of inspiration to do something. Flicking though the 2016 printed volumes of my blog, I came across the solo mini-campaign that I ran in the early part of the year … A WINTER-ISH WAR. Reading the text and looking at the photographs made me realise that what I need to do is to fight a wargame or two. I could wait until COW – which will be taking place in less than four weeks’ time – but I need to do something about my state of ennui NOW!

I have a couple of ideas whirring around in my head, but as part of my ‘get motivated’ plan, I’ve extracted all the separate blog entries about A WINTER-ISH WAR and collated them into a book. I sent the file off to today, and within a week or so it should have been printed and sent to me. If I am happy with the result, I may even make it available to the general public, probably as a PDF as it would be a bit pricey if produced as a printed hardback because I have opted to have the photographs reproduced in colour.

*Ennui is defined as being 'a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement'.


  1. Sorry to hear you are in a bit of a lull. One of the reasons I insist on organising a game every Tuesday is that I know that if I stop then everything will drift. I take it from your earlier posts as well that you are well ahead on your COW preparation, which is reassuring. I need to knuckle down and get on with finalising my rule set.

    1. Trebian,

      I know that it will pass ... but unlike visits from the dreaded 'Black Dog', which I know will stay with me for a few days and then go, the duration of this ennui cannot be predicted. Luckily I've got most of my COW preparations done, so that is one thing that I don't need to worry about.

      Since last September I've done a lot of talks to Masonic Lodges, which has helped keep me doing things, but the summer break has begun and I don't have another talk to do before September. I've looked at the possibility of joining a local games club (it meets in the local community centre) to see if I can interest some of them in trying the PORTABLE WARGAME, but they have yet to reply to my emails.

      Hopefully things will improve soon.

      All the best,


  2. Observation and experience suggest that such ennui come to almost all of us from time to time. Sometimes looking back helps, sometimes playing a game helps and a game with friends usually helps even more but the one thing I have learned is that pushing myself to do a hobby activity "because" doesn't work for me. My final resort is to go do other things for a while: the old "change is as good as a rest" gambit.

    1. Ross Mac,

      From personal experience, I know that tryng to do anything practical (like painting figures) will not go well when I feel like this, but reading and thinking - and jotting down notes and ideas - does help. So does watching relevant films and DVDs. If that doesn't work, I'll try visiting a museum or two.

      All the best,


  3. Yes I think all gamers suffer from it now and again , I usually go off on a tangent and paint something different for a change .

    1. The Good Soldier Svjek,

      It hits us all every so often, and doing something a bit different (but not painting in my case), can help.

      All the best,


  4. The visitations of the Emu of Ennui (as opposed to the dreaded "Black Dog") do tend to seem higher stakes when one is a bloggist (and there is no activity). One thing I've found during these lulls is to turn to some historical/hobby related reading (something almost always going on in the background) and doing a quick report on that (which also tends to jostle the Emu towards the gate).

    1. Ed M,

      You have summed it up very well, and I know that reading can help. With luck my Emu will be gone soon!

      All the best,


  5. I, for one, would certainly be interested a a PDF (or even printed book form) of a "Winterish War". Go for it!

    1. David Bradley,

      I want to see what the printed book looks like before deciding whether or not to publish A WINTER-ISH WAR. With luck, will print it and get it to me within a week or so.

      All the best,


  6. I always revert to reading historical books, looking at Blogs etc until the muse has returned. I certainly never attempt to paint at times like this as I know I will hate it and it seems to make things worse. Hope your mojo returns soon.

    1. Steve J.,

      I am doing a fair amount of reading, and I think that it is helping ... but even if it isn't, it's keeping me amused and giving me ideas for possible future warganes.

      All the best,


  7. All the best with the new book. If you can find a cure for your ennui let me know. PS does anyone know how to change the “Comment As” thingy. My iPhone is set up but not the web browser on my iPad. Most strange.

    1. Sbriddon8,

      The new book is pure self-indulgence, rather like my hard-back printed copies of all my blog entries.

      Producing it was - however - very therapeutic, and made me realise that my next proper book (which is planned to be THE PORTABLE COLONIAL WARGAME) needs to include a section on how to set up scenarios and mini-campaigns.

      All the best,


  8. Ignore last signal. Google Chrome browser loves me. Gah! Technology.

    1. Sbriddon8,

      I guessed that it would be something like that! I have a similar problem with my iPad when I'm outside the UK, and have yet to find the proper setting to correct this.

      All the best,


  9. Hi Bob,
    Yes a lull in activity can occur and often we need to just sit back and re-boot the whole program. I've just returned to my Sci-Fi Project which had taken a rest for near six months...feel back on my feet now and full of beans! I wish you well Bob with the COW weekend and your Colonial Book Project. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I know that the old adage that 'a change is as good as a rest' has more than an element of truth in it ... and I am probably in need of a change or a rest of some kind.

      The support and advice I have received over the past few days has helped revive me somewhat, but I think that I need to fight a wargame to really reignite my enthusiasm. Hopefully I'll be able to do that by the end of the week.

      All the best,


      PS. Going to COW will certainly recharge my wargaming batteries, and doing some work on the next book will help as well.

    2. Bob,
      I've been working on my Sci-Fi Project and as soon as I've made a few more items and nutted out my simple style rules I can then have some games...Lt Col Greg Mc (an old mate of yours ) is interested to participate as the Alien ARCON against my Federal Marines. Stay well my Friend. Cheers. KEV.

    3. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I am pleased that you have returned to this project ... and it's great to see that Greg Mc is possibly going to take part.

      All the best,



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