

Friday 14 June 2019

The Great Game: Waterloo Replayed

From 9.00am this morning until 6.00pm this evening, what is hoped to be the largest ever figure wargame will be being set up in the Kelvin Gallery of the University of Glasgow.

WATERLOO REPLAYED has been organised by Professor Tony Pollard and is being run in aid of WATERLOO UNCOVERED, a charity that is using an archaeological survey and dig on the Waterloo battle site as a support program for military veterans and members of the the military community. The charity was set up by Mark Evans and Charlie Foinette, who studied archaeology together at University College London before enlisting the Coldstream Guards.

The wargame will be fought over two days (Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June) and everything will be packed away on Monday 17th, just a day before the 204th anniversary of the actual battle!

It was great to see that several of the more well-known wargame companies have been involved in this project, and I think that all wargamers will hope that this event generates a sizeable amount of money for this very worthwhile charity.

Please note that the image featured above is © Waterloo Replayed and the copyright of the logos featured thereon belongs to the various named organisations.


  1. Thanks for the plug Bob, Im really looking forward to the weekend. The support from every part of the wargaming fraternity has been brilliant and Tony Pollard and his group deserve a great deal of praise for putting it all together.

    1. Independentwargamesgroup,

      It was my pleasure to mention such a wonderful event and such a worthy cause, and it is good to see how the wargaming community has done its bit to help. I only wish that I lived closer to Glasgow and was able to take part.

      All the best,


      PS. I am looking forward to reading the coverage of the re-fight on various blogs and in the mainstream and hobby media.

  2. Hi Bob

    You missed one key word from your opening statement; 'historical'.

    I painted about one hundred figures as a donation to the game. These figures will be auctioned after the game in aid of charity.

    I also assembled and painted a collection of farm buildings which will portray Mont St Jean farm to the rear of the battlefield. It was used in the day as a field hospital by the Anglo-British.

    I will be there on the day, camera in hand so I hope to make a blog post at some point.

    Good luck to the organisers, many of them are friends of mine. I even have an old friend coming over from Chicago to take part.


    1. Jim Duncan,

      A good point. I should have mentioned that it was the largest historical wargame.

      It's great that you were able to make a practical contribution to this very worthwhile project, and I look forward to seeing your photographs off the event.

      All the best,


  3. I only caught wind of this event on another blog (I forget which) about a week ago. Strange that a major happening like this has been so "under the radar" (then again, it could just be that my radar is just getting old and blind).

    1. Ed M,

      I would have liked to see the glossy wargame magazines cover the run up to the event in some detail ... but at least some of the mainstream media has been mentioning it on and off.

      All the best,


    2. As far as I know the editor of a leading wargames magazine is on the team of umpires at the Great Game. Maybe an article will follow.

    3. Jim Duncan,

      That is good news. It would make a great photo-feature that will appeal to the fans of Napoleonic wargaming.

      Perhaps some of your figures and the farm you built will be featured. I do hope so.

      All the best,



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