

Friday 12 July 2019

My latest book sales figures

Thanks to my preoccupation with COW, I almost missed seeing my latest book sales figures.

In May my sales figures looked like this:

This past month – June – has seen sales continue to grow slowly but surely:

As predicted last month, the total number of books sold in all formats passed the five thousand mark during June ... and I hope that the recent release of A WINTER-ISH WAR and TROUBLE IN ZUBIA will add further sales over the next few months.


  1. Hi Bob,
    These figures are most encouraging- you'l be well pleased. The Paper Backs are going tremendously. You will certainly be looking forward to adding to the Titles -with your Colonial PWG. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      Cheers! Going through the 5,000 'barrier' has given me tremendous satisfaction, with my paperbacks accounting for over 50% of my sales.

      I am making slow progress with my PORTABLE COLONIAL WARGAME, and aim to finish it in time for next Christmas.

      All the best,


  2. I hope you are going to ask Lulu to make more of your books in Kindle format so we don't have to convert them from PDF a pain in the ass. I have limited book space so I have limited most of my new books to my Kindle reader. I also like their portability. I do own some of your paper back books and also all your Kindle books, but I can't acquire more paper backs and keep the wife happy.

    1. RonMorris,

      I certainly understand your problem about books, and I am trying to enforce a 'if you buy a new one, an old one has to go' policy with regard to my own bookshelves.

      My latest books are currently too large in format to be converted into Kindle books, but it is my intention to do this when I have the right software available. If and when I do, I'll announce it on my blog.

      All the best,



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