

Sunday 20 October 2019


I've just returned from SELWG2019, and later this week I'll be writing a longer report about the show.

My overall impression was that it was much less crowded than the last time I went, but that there was no shortage of traders or games. My main reason for going was to meet up with Ray Rousell, who had a crate of stuff from the late Eric Knowles's collection. Ray had kindly offered to pass the crate on to me, having been given it at SKIRMISH by David Crook, on behalf of Eric's son.

The crate contains a mixture of painted and unpainted 20mm-scale World War II figures. Most of them are Germans and Russians (including numerous cavalry!), but there are also enough US troops to form the basis of small American army.

The second reason why I went was to meet and talk to other wargamers. Besides Ray Rousell and Postie of Postie's Rejects, I managed to have quick chats with Tamsin Piper, Professor Phil Sabin, Alan Abbey (a leading light of the Milton Hundred Wargames Club), and Neil Fox (who I first met in the basement of Eric Knowles's shop more years ago than either of us would care to acknowledge).

Although I had no plans to buy anything, I spotted a book on Helion's stand that I just had to buy (THE CHACO AIR WAR 1932-35) ... and I'll be writing a review once I've had a chance to read it.

My overall impression was that SELWG continues to be an excellent show, and the cost of entry (£7.00 on the door or £6.00 for an e-ticket) remains good value. Furthermore, parking was free, and it took me less than forty minutes to get there (and back) by car. My only regret was that I didn't have more time to spend there due to a prior commitment that meant that I had to get home by 1.30pm.


  1. Good to see you again Bob, even if only briefly. And thanks for telling me that tale about Wismar - it would definitely make for an interesting scenario :)

    1. TamsinP,

      It was great to see you.

      My father told me the story years ago, and I researched it at the National Archives. He also told me that as they got closer to the Baltic coast, many Germans greeted them with relief and pointed east and shouted 'Russkies!'

      All the best,


  2. Well all those figures you collected should keep you very busy for quite some time. Great to meet up once again.

    1. Ray Rousell,

      It was great to see you, and thanks very much for acting as a courier.

      I think that I have a few busy months ahead of me!

      All the best,


  3. A most enjoyable report. All of the games look good and some look like fun. I was pleased to see the club with the invitation to play.

    1. Ross Mac,

      Cheers! The standard of games on show was good, but some - such as the BMSS 54mm-scale Colonial battle - stood out. I only wish that I had had more time to watch it unfold.

      All the best,



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