

Thursday 28 May 2020

YouTube, wargaming, and Big Lee

Although I have experimented with YouTube, and have uploaded a couple of videos about wargames I have taken part in or run the past (The Attack of the Hill People: Things to Come, COW2012: Convoy Battle, and COW2012: PVO Strany), I have never really exploited its potential.

One wargamer that I know who has been uploading items regularly since the COVID-19 lockdown, is Lee Hadley AKA Big Lee.

I have managed to watch almost all of his THE QUARANTINED WARGAMER videos, and I particularly like the latest, which is entitled A GOLDEN AGE OF WARGAMING? In it he makes some interesting points about the impact of the current lockdown on the hobby.

If you have a spare half hour or so, I recommend that you have a look at some of Lee's videos. I'm sure that you will find something to interest you.


  1. Thanks for recommending my humble mummblings. Its been a strange and funny learning curve trying to produce something on YouTube. Some of the challenges have been technical, some creative. The one thing I seem to have in abundance is time. I've continued working throughout the lockdown, but suddenly all my 'normal' weekend and evening activities stopped and I was left twiddling my thumbs. Reaching for the video camera probably isn't how most people would cope with the situation, but its kept me occupied and amused. I just hope I don't look back on these videos in a years time and cringe!

    Anyway, thanks again for watching them. I hope they are of passing interest. I'm always glad to hear from viewers, especially if they disagree with me or can add to the discussion. Just because I have given myself a platform, doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about!

    1. Big Lee,

      I’ve watched some of the wargame offerings on YouTube, and in the main they have either been too long or felt more like vehicles for product placements. Yours were long enough to be interesting, but not too long ... and if and when you mentioned a product, it was obviously something that you had bought and used, not something you’d been given to ‘sell’.

      I hope that you’ll continue to make the occasional video even when the lockdown is over.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,

    I watched BigLee's Video on 6mm- unfortunately I was getting a lot of background interference and the talking sound was low- even though I'd turned the volume up...hoping this isn't the case worldwide and is only affecting my computer. Thanks for posting though. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I’ll rewatch that one, although I didn’t have any problems when I watched it on my TV.

      All the best,


    2. My earlier videos were done using a mobile phone and the microphone was a bit rubbish. I'm using a better camera now with a much better built in microphone, so hopefully you won't get these issues going forwards.

      I'd love to upgrade to an external mic, but the camera doesn't support it.

    3. Big Lee,

      I use the camera and built-in microphone on my laptop for video conferencing etc., and although it isn’t top quality, it’s good enough for my purposes.

      The best camera and mike combination that I have is my dashcam ... and I can be heard quite clearly swearing on the recording of an accident that happened in front of me!

      All the best,


  3. G'Day Bob. Thanks for giving Big Lee's videos a shout out, they certainly deserve a wider audience. I've added them to my list for checking out in detail this weekend. I certainly agree with his comments about painting, solo gaming and trying new ways to engage with the hobby during this lock down. Cheers Greg

    1. Delta Coy (Greg),

      I’ve know Big Lee for some years as we are both bloggers who live within a few miles of each other. He talks a lot of sense, and I think that you’ll enjoy his videos.

      All the best,



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