

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Three more months on ...

Having spent the last three months in lockdown, things are just beginning to ease, although there seems to be growing evidence that we may have a second wave of the pandemic on the horizon.

During the last three months, I read lots about how people in general are getting fed up with the restrictions and need to get back to 'normal' ... whatever that is. Looking back over those three months, I seem to have got a lot done, mainly thanks to my hobby providing me with lots of mental stimulus and having the time to spend on wargaming.

A brief survey puts this in perspective:
  • THE PORTABLE COLONIAL WARGAME has been published.
  • I am currently working on the next book in the series, THE PORTABLE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY WARGAME.
  • I have renovated a large number of German and Russian vehicles (and some figures) for my Eastern Front/Great Patriotic War project.
  • I have prepared the campaign map and the weather rules for my Eastern Front/Great Patriotic War project.
  • I have learned how to use Zoom and Skype.
  • I have taken part in two online nineteenth century figure wargames with Gary Sheffield.
  • I have taken part in an online role-play game set in Ancient Rome, that was entitled 'GIVE ME BACK MY LEGIONS!'.
  • I have prepared and delivered three online Masonic lectures ... and have another one in preparation.
  • I have helped to plan for the VCOW (Virtual Conference of Wargamers) that will be staged later this month as a replacement for COW2020.
  • I have prepared an online talk about the origins of Wargame Developments and COW that will be delivered during VCOW.
  • I have continued to read my way through the entire published collection of MAIGRET books by Georges Simenon.
  • I have reviewed six books.
  • I have been interviewed by Henry Hyde for his BATTLEGAMES podcast.
Looking at it, I seem to have achieved quite a lot during the last three months ... and I still have plenty more to do!

Six months ago I wished my regular blog readers and fellow bloggers a safe and healthy 2020 ... and I repeated that message three months later. Today I would like to reiterate those best wishes again.



  1. Hi BOB,
    Yes- Stay Safe and Stay Well. You have achieved a lot with more to come. I'm looking forward to your WW2 Campaign as you have certainly put a lot of preparation into the Project. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      Cheers! I have a talk to write over the next few days and to do some work on the P17CW book ... and then I would like to do some more work on my Eastern Front/Great Patriotic War project.

      All the best,


  2. Likewise, Bob. The number of people here in the U.S. thinking only of themselves, not practicing social distancing, and ignoring other public health guidelines is mind boggling. Of course, all of this from the top on down to the common person in the street has given our country even more notoriety on the world stage in recent weeks as you may have seen in the news. I sometimes despair about what will become of us.

    Best Regards,


    1. Heinz-Ulrich Von Boffke (Stokes),

      My mind boggles at the stupidity of some people. I went out this morning and came across a few people with a ‘I don’t see the point of wearing a mask or social distancing’ attitude. The trouble is, they don’t seem to realise that they are not just putting themselves at risk, but risking the lives of others.

      I have a great deal of respect for the office of the President of the United States ... but not necessarily its present incumbent. He appears intent on trying to please very specific groups within US society ... and is seemingly willing to do pretty well anything in order to do so.

      Keep safe and keep well,


  3. Start safe and healthy yourself Bob. Pretty damn good list of things done over the lockdown. It also has to be said that the PW series has provided a lot of lockdown gaming enjoyment based on what I see online.

    1. Peter Douglas,

      Cheers! It was a much longer list than I expected ... and the way that PW has taken off is simply amazing!

      All the best,


  4. You take care too Bob. It has indeed been an interesting six months.

    1. Steve8,

      I agree, it has been an ‘interesting’ time ... but one I wish that was not have to have lived through.

      Keep safe and keep well,


  5. Here’s to another productive quarter Bob. I think the PW has struck the zeitgeist. And not just lockdown either. Space. Time. fun. And because it doesn’t demand a lot of resource, sustainable.

    The lockdown has been relatively kind to me, but I keep reminding myself many people have not had it so good and many a lot worse. But I really hope that new opportunities are seized during this situation and we move on to something better than before.

    1. Nundanket,

      Cheers! On reflection, I've done a lot more than I thought that I had, and that is due to the lockdown stopping me going to Masonic meetings (on average one or two each week) and on cruises with my wife (we've had three cancelled sine the pandemic started).

      My sister is one of the people who has had to be sheltered due to a long-term medical condition, and has not had an easy time of it. Unfortunately she lives a long way from my brother and I so we have not been able to do anything except offer our moral support. One of her daughters lives with her, and has done a lot to help, and her eldest son has managed - after a lot of trials and tribulations - to get home from China. He has now finished his 14 days of isolation, and is now in a position to help.

      The pandemic has thrown up a lot of things that need to be addressed, and one hopes that like the end of the Second World War, the government - regardless of its political persuasion - realises that going back to the old status quo is not going to be the best way forward.

      All the best,


    2. It must have been hard for your sister Bob. Now your nephew is back it must be a bit easier. Emotionally as much as practically. It’s the longest I’ve ever gone without seeing my son (just over 4 months) and it’s not something I like to dwell on and I’ve got my girls and wife, plus work, to keep my spirits up.

    3. Nundanket,

      My sister seems to be coping as well as can be expected, and having her eldest son with her must be helping.

      I don’t have children, so I have no idea how an enforced separation must feel, but I hope that you can see your son soon.

      Keep safe and keep well,


  6. We haven't even reached the crest of the first wave in the US. Some areas have done better than others, especially ones that were hit hard early on and know what it's like. Others are in denial. Some are just so fed up they seem willing to risk everything and/or have little regard for others.

    It can be both saddening and maddening.

    I have the luxury of being able to maintain self-isolation for a long time, at least through the rest of this year, and pretty much for as long as it takes even beyond that. I don't have the luxury of feeling like I'm invulnerable.

    I do what I can and hope for the best some day.

    1. Fitz-Badger,

      I've been watching the news coverage of the situation in the US, and I must admit that I just cannot believe that some people are so committed to the spurious concept of 'freedom' that they will carry a gun to 'protect' themselves from other people, but not wear a mask to protect themselves from the virus! One begins to wonder if they really are that stupid, or whether they actually believe that what they are doing makes sense.

      Like you, my wife and I can manage to survive the lockdown because we do have things to do that will fill our daily lives, and because we have some outside space where we can sit in the fresh air away from anyone else. We go shopping once or twice a week at times when we know that there will not be many people about, and we always wear face masks when we are in public places. They will not stop us catching the virus, but it does seem to massively improve you chances of not doing so.

      I'm of an age when I no longer think that I am going to live for ever, but people who think and act as if they do, really do scare me.

      Stay safe and stay well,


  7. I just downloaded your interview on BATTLEGAMES and I'm looking forward to listening while on a long drive today.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      I hope that you enjoy my ramblings. Henry and I spoke for well over two hours ... and could have spoken for much longer.

      All the best,


    2. I must say I enjoyed listening to the two of you speak. I really had fun when you guys talked about the games played without minis (like crawling around in the dark throwing cat toys at each other) and the progress on the PWG.
      I was happy to hear your sense of humor and general pleasantness. While I never imagined you being humorless it comes off better when you speak than in your writing.
      I imagine you being a good neighbor to chat with day to day. Can't wait to you appear on the podcast again. In the meantime I'll have to check out the other interviews.

    3. Mr. Pavone,

      I am pleased to read that you enjoyed listening to my chat with Henry Hyde. Thanks to Paddy Griffith, I have been a participant in lots of ‘silly’ wargames that actually taught serious lessons as well as being fun to take part in.

      I used to take life very seriously, but as I’ve got older, I’ve realised that if you don’t try to adopt a lighthearted approach to life, one is not going to enjoy it very much.

      I try to be a good neighbour, but it helps if you have people who live next to you who are easy to get on with. My wife and I are very lucky that our neighbours are great, and we often chat with then ... at a safe distance!

      Keep safe and keep well,


  8. You can also add to this list your constant posts to this particular blog. I'm sure that I'm not the only person who has relied upon blogs such as yours to stay in touch with the hobby during the lockdown. We often take for granted the time and effort it takes to write your updates, but it really is appreciated.

    Thanks on behalf of all of your readers and followers.


    1. Andy Hussey (Andy),

      Thank you very much for what you have written. I was quite humbled by your comments.

      I find the writing a blog regularly helps to keep my mind active and gives me the chance to set down goals that - as they are in the public domain - I try to achieve. Also, because my interests tend to be a bit eclectic, I usually write something that appeals to most wargamers at least once a week.

      Keep safe and keep well,



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