

Tuesday 1 September 2020

IT problems

I seem to be suffering from numerous (and hopefully unrelated) IT problems over the last few days.

Firstly, my desktop PC underwent a periodic Windows 10 upgrade ... and Chrome seemed to 'retaliate' by refusing to recognise me. I could browse as a guest, but not as me. As I was not sure if this was the prelude to a total PC meltdown, I backed up all my files onto a portable hard drive and then undertook a complete check of the PC. I discovered that it had suffered an interruption during the automatic restart after the upgrade, and needed to go back to 'repair' the damage caused. This took several hours and several restarts before the problem was cured.

Whilst this was going on, I had to use my newest iPad. (I have three, including one of the earliest). As a backup for the one I am currently using, I usually keep my second oldest iPad to hand ... and it was at this point that I realised that its battery was dead. I recharged it, but when I tried to turn it on again, it just froze. It displayed the Apple logo on its screen, but even using a 'hard start', it just would not turn on. I've tried everything that online sources suggest that I do, but none of them seem to work.

Funnily enough, when I found my oldest iPad and charged its battery, it turned on without a hitch, and I am going to have to use that as my standby for the time being. It is a lot heavy to hold than the more modern ones, and the operating system and display are not 'state-of-the-art', but it works and I can use it to access the Internet, answer my emails, look at my contacts, and use my diary ... which is all I really need it for.


  1. I sympathise with you

    It is only when we are unable to access our main pc that we realise how much we have come to rely on it. I have a hard drive which I use to store my data, and I update it every few weeks. I also have an IPad and a laptop. But even when I know I will be without my PC, and transfer all the data I think it will need to the laptop, I still find I have problems.

    Just using a different keyboard and smaller screen is annoying. Then I often find that I have forgotten to transfer the very bit of data I need. Its on the hard drive, but I have to transfer again.

    And when I get back to using my main pc I have to transfer it all back again.

    It sounds petty, and indeed it is. But we have become so used to the luxury of modern IT that we just take it all for granted. Until we no longer have it of course!

    Hope you get back to normal quickly

    best regards


    1. Thistlebarrow (Paul),

      I know exactly what you mean!

      Unlike a lot of people who use their computers for leisure, my PC is a very important tool, and being without it would be a major problem. Like you, I own a laptop (I currently have three, one of which is used solely as a backup for our cruise photos and another from when we go on a cruise) and iPad, but the sheer size of the PC’s screen makes it invaluable for writing, doing accounts, desktop publishing, and image manipulation.

      I’ve experimented with using a removable hard drive as my main storage device. It does enable me to use both my PC and laptop without having to save and/or transfer files on multiple devices, but it does mean that any devices I use have to have the same software installed on them.

      No doubt someone will come up with a solution that doesn’t involve saving files on a ‘cloud’ somewhere.

      All the best,


  2. Plan a sensible backup strategy. I have two 64Gb memory sticks and I backup onto one of them every few weeks. Thus at any time I have two copies of the date from my laptop, one a few weeks behind and the second a few weeks earlier than that.
    Any important or volatile files can be backed up onto a separate memory stick more frequently.

    1. Mike,

      I do regular backups onto a removable hard drive, and have experimented with allowing my computer to automatically backup files each night, but a paucity of accessible USB ports meant that I had to keep disconnecting it to connect other devices, and this seemed to break the backup cycle.

      All the best,


  3. My sympathies. I had a PC disaster two years ago and now back up my PC twice a week onto two portable hard drives used alternately (a tip from the PC repair man who'd had a client whose back up hard drive failed at the same time as her lap top). And I check that a sample of the files on the back up drives work (a tip from my next door neighbour)...

    At least your old iPad was still working. I hope everything is now working properly.

    Best wishes,


    1. John Armatys (John),

      That is an excellent couple of tips, particularly the alternate use of removable hard drives. The cost of buying two such drives is cheap when compared to the cost of trying to resurrect a dead PC in order to access the files on its hard drive.

      My original iPad doesn’t do everything the newest doesM but it does allow me to access the Internet and my emails as well as managing my electronic diary and contacts list.

      All the best,


  4. Hi Bob,
    For the last three days I've been locked out of receiving 'Webmail' (no e-Mails)- I rang the Telco only to be informed (by Automatic Voice) that they are aware of the problem and are working on it. I mean -I'm only a private user- how does Business cope.
    Hope you can iron out your IT problems. Regards. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I cannot comprehend the logic used by the management of Internet service providers. They know that there is a problem with the webmail service they provide ... but you have to contact them to find out that they know and are working on a solution. It rates as being about as useful as my ISP’s fault reporting system, which requires you to contact them via their website if you have no Internet access!

      I hope that your problems are sorted out PDQ.

      All the best,



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