

Monday 21 December 2020

I’ve actually managed to do something today!

For the first time since I went into hospital, I managed to spend an hour or so in our home office. I had quite a few things that needed fairly urgent action (e.g. paying bills online), but I did manage to do a few wargame-related things:

I feel as if I have made some real progress today. Not much ... but a bit ... and hopefully things will continue to improve as the days go by.


  1. Replies
    1. Ross Mac,

      Cheers! Achieving that first step towards normality has raised my spirits no end.

      Stay safe and stay well,


  2. Sounds like an interesting video, thanks for the heads up Bob.
    Take care.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      The ‘snakes and ladders’ concept is an interesting one. I’d looked at something along those lines some time ago, but never taken it to the level described in the video. Having seen it in action, I might well have to revisit it.

      All the best,


  3. Bob,
    Thanks for posting link to this video - very interesting! I must investigate Snakes & Ladders solo campaigning further...
    Great to see you able to get back to some wargaming activity.
    Have a good Christmas and devote your time and energy to getting well. Best wishes, Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      Like all good ideas, it is basically very simple ... and effective!

      It was good to do some wargame-related activity; I had not realised how much I had missed it!

      May I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy - and safe - New Year.

      All the best,


  4. It may not seem much Bob, but small steps and all that. I found that looking back, I was amazed at the progress I had made each week, realising that those first small steps had suddenly turned into a half hour walk in a week. It may not sound much but at the time those were big improvements.

    1. Steve J.,

      Thanks for your very encouraging comment. Looking back at what I could do when I got out of hospital, I have made a lot more progress than I expected.

      All the best,


  5. Lovely to hear some good news for a change, glad you are feeling a bit better! Video looks interesting, too!

    1. David in Suffolk,

      I’m getting better ... very slowly. As to the video, I found it very interesting, and it has given me a few ideas that I want to follow up.

      All the best,


  6. Good stuff Bob
    Meanwhile I walked the dog in the rain and caught a "traditional cold" .. no need to panic, as we are all hunkered down watching teh French close Calais .. sounds like a Matrix campaign move ;)

    1. Geordie an Exile FoG,

      Cheers, old chap!

      I hope that your cold doesn’t affect your enjoyment of Christmas.

      My wife and I have plans to eventually move down to the Kent coast ... then we’ll be able to see the M20 lorry park at close quarters!

      Keep safe and keep well,


  7. Hi Bob -
    I really must do something about the incoming blogger traffic - somehow I've been missing your recent postings! It sounds as though your recovery is going to require patience and a good deal of not being able to do much. The COVID 'lock down' will be both a help and a nuisance there!

    All the best for a full recovery, speedy or not -

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      Thanks very much for your best wishes for my recovery.

      It does seem to be taking longer than I had hoped to get better, but I think that I was basing my expectations on the recovery time predicted for keyhole surgery. Apparently, I should have been almost back to normal if they had managed to use the less invasive technique, but once they had to go for a full-blown surgical procedure, the recovery time was going to be considerably longer. Two to three months now seems more likely before I’m back to normal.

      The current near lockdown isn’t having much impact on me as I’m only supposed to go out for exercise, and to stay well away from other people. My wife is, however, feeling the strain as she has to do all the shopping etc., without my assistance.

      Keep safe and keep well,


  8. Excellent to hear Bob! Sounds a useful and enjoyable hour. Here’s to many more.

    1. Tradgardmastare,

      I didn’t manage to do very much ... but I am pleased that I managed to do something!

      All the best,


  9. Hi BOB,
    I'm glad your making steady progress there. Yes, a full blown Surgical Procedure will take awhile before your back to normal- hope that all goes well and you can relax a little knowing your getting better day by day. All the best to you Bob and Sue for CHRISTMAS. Regards. KEV. (Sydney-Australia).

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      As I’ve commented before, I am a very impatient patient! At least I’ve managed to get to my home office twice in two days, and my ‘to do’ list is getting shorter in proportion to my feeling better. It will take time, but I am hoping that the improvement will enable me to enjoy the limited Christmas we are going to have this year.

      May I take this opportunity to wish you and your partner a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

      Keep safe and keep well,


  10. Replies
    1. The Good Soldier Svjek,

      Cheers! I’m getting there ... slowly!

      All the best,


  11. Hi Bob
    Thanks for adding my little YouTube vidio to your blog much appreciated. Hopefully be posting my first battle report of the campaign. Great book by the way.

    1. Stephen Smith,

      It was my pleasure ... and I think that it is an excellent and elegantly simple campaign system, and I’m looking forward to seeing your battle report.

      Thanks for your kind comment about my book.

      All the best,



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