

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Some of my WoFun figures

I finally managed to base some of my new WoFun figures to see how they looked. I used a pre-cut, four-part 8 x 8 grid of 50mm squares that Warbases made for me some time ago as a tabletop on which to display the figures.

28mm Jacobite Rebellion

I decided to select sample infantry units for both sides. The Hanoverians included single base examples of infantry in blue, white, and yellow facings, whilst the Jacobites included single bases of the Royal Ecossais, Lowland, and Highland infantry.

18mm American Civil War

These should have been mounted on smaller bases (I used the same size as I had for the 28mm figures shown above), but the large bases allowed me to spread the figures out more.

This time I based four bases of Confederate infantry and four bases of Union infantry.

Whereas the smaller figures did not look out of place on the 8 x 8 grid, the large ones looked a little too large. That said, I think that with a bit of planning, I could easily refight the Battle of Culloden on the 8 x 8 grid using my PORTABLE WARGAME rules.


  1. Replies
    1. The Good Soldier Svjek,

      I was tempted ... and gave in to temptation!

      All the best,


  2. Bob,
    The close order 18th century foot look splendid. I can see three such bases representing the three-company battalions in my Portable Charge! Wargame very well. IMHO the problem is not the size of the figures, but the 8 x 8 square board, which is simply far too narrow for linear warfare, because it doesn't allow units to be significantly wider than they are deep, unless a unit deploys across several squares, which limits a battle line to only two or three units. But if a battalion in line spreads across two or three squares, musket range must also be 2-3 squares, so troops on the opposite side of the board are already within case shot range of artillery - ouch! I think the only solution is a larger battlefield with more squares...

    1. Arthur1815,

      The close order Jacobite Rebellion figures would work very well with your PORTABLE CHARGE! rules. The size of the grid would have to increase from the 8 x 8 grid of 2cm squares I used for the photographs. I suspect that 12 x12 would be about the smallest one could use, with 15 x 15 being even better. (The latter would still only be 75cm/36” x 75cm/36” ... which should fit easily onion most dining tables.)

      All the best,


  3. Hi Bob,
    Good to see your WoFun figures - the ACW Units look very interesting and the 18mm figures are well animated. Have fun there. Thinking of you and Sue- stay safe during this latest Covid Lockdown there in London. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I think that the ACW figures will look even better when fitted to their proper bases.

      We are reaching crisis levels in our local hospitals, so Sue and I are staying indoors and avoiding contact with other people as best we can.

      Keep safe and keep well,


  4. The figures look very nice Bob. I think pairing them with the PW is a great combination.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      I hope to use my PW rules with my new figures in the near future.

      All the best,


  5. I think the linear warfare troops look better than the ACW ones, with the latter maybe working better a tad closer together. Either way great to see you being able to do stuff like this Bob:)

    1. Steve J.,

      I must admit that I prefer the look of the block of close order infantry to the individual ACW figures, but I suspect that the ACW figures will look better when they are fixed to their proper bases.

      All the best,


  6. The Peter Dennis figures do look good when in array. I have reservations about the style of some of the other WoFun ranges but I know (with a sinking feeling) that I am going to end up buying more of the Peter Dennis armies!

    1. Barry Carter,

      I agree about the quality of Peter Dennis’s illustrations being outstanding. The Jacobite Rebellion figures are his, and they are better than the ACW figures ... although the latter are more than acceptable.

      All the best,


  7. Lovely to see these figures on their bases and you with the energy to place them there prior to composing a blog post.

    1. Tradgardmastare,

      The effort was well worth it, even though it took me two days to set up the photos and write the blog post. I’m getting back to normal ... but it is a slow process.

      All the best,


  8. They are rather charming and look effective on the game board.

    1. Ross Mac,

      I don’t think that they’ll ever replace my metal figures, but they are ideal for those extra periods one wants to dabble in occasionally.

      All the best,


  9. Thanks for the photos; the WoFun figures look great and continue tempting me, though they’re a bit beyond my price range. I prefer the close-order Peter Dennis graphics to the individual ACW soldiers; the newly announced Warlord epic ACW line also uses a close-order format. As sturdy as the WoFun pieces look, I have the Peter Dennis books for the AWI and ACW which I’ve used to produce some nice pieces for PW and other rules.

    Hope your recovery continues to go well and that you manage to stay safe through the lockdown.

    1. Peter Schweighofer,

      The WoFun figures are certainly worth considering, even if they initially look quite expensive.

      The close order figures are both more substantial and look better that the individual figures, and I’m not surprised that you have opted for Peter Dennis’s AWI and ACW books.

      Thanks for your best wishes, My recovery is slower than I had hoped ... but I am getting little better as each day passes.

      All the best,


  10. The ACW do look too spaced out but the rest are just fine.

    1. Jim Duncan,

      I temporarily mounted the figures on the wrong-size bases, which is why they look too spaced out. I’ll try to photograph some on the right bases as soon as I can.

      All the best,


  11. I am thinking these would make excellent starter armies for my grandsons if they display an interest in my hobby as they get a bit older (ages 3 and 5 now).

    1. Gonsalvo,

      My only concern is that the figures might be a little fragile for very young children, but if properly supervised, they would make excellent starter armies for novice wargamers.

      All the best,


    2. There is that! A better choice may be soft plastic figures. They're almost indestructible, and they can "paint" them without any real worries, and graduate to an upgrade later if the interest warrants.

    3. Gonsalvo,

      Soft plastic figures might be better for younger children. They are what I started with!

      All the best,


  12. Replies
    1. BigLee,

      They are nice ... and are an excellent way to put ones wargaming toe into a new period.

      All the best,



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