

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Captain (Hon. Colonel) Sir Thomas Moore (30th April 1920 to 2nd February 2021)

There is little I can add to the numerous posthumous comments that have already been made in the media with regard to the death of Captain Sir Thomas Moore yesterday. He did something fundamentally simple to say ‘Thank You’ to the NHS workers who were working so hard to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but in doing so he encapsulated the feelings that so many people had at that time. He gained worldwide support for his fundraising efforts, and raised over £30,000,000.

Sir Tom represented what many people in the UK like to think of as being the best of what we are ... and filled a role that was much-needed at a time when so much of the news seemed to be full of doom and gloom. He made people feel positive. He seemed to be the sort of person one would want to know and be able to call father, grandfather, great grandfather, or friend.

Captain (Hon. Colonel) Sir Thomas Moore (30th April 1920 to 2nd February 2021)



  1. He was an inspiration. The BBC presented a lovely piece on him.

    Best Regards,


    1. Heinz-Ulrich Von Boffke (Stokes),

      I suspect that he would have thought that he was just an ordinary man ... but the rest of us think that he did extraordinary things.

      There have been several excellent obituaries in the media, and I understand that the Government is planning to mark his death in some way.

      All the best,


  2. Bob,
    IMHO the most appropriate way to honour Captain Sir Tom Moore would be to use the money he raised to build/renovate/repair a hospital or hospital ward and put a plaque with his name - and a brief explanation of his military service and NHS fund raising, for future generations - on the front of it.
    I think he would approve of that.
    Best wishes, Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      I agree that what you suggest would be an ideal memorial.

      I also wonder if the money could be used to set up a support structure or unit for the NHS staff who will undoubtedly suffer from stress-related illness as a result of their experiences during the pandemic. Something like Combat Stress. I suspect that they will be paying the price for many years to come.

      All the best,


    2. Bob, that's another excellent idea. Perhaps you should suggest it to Boris? That would be of far more value than the 'gesture politics' of praising the NHS verbally and encouraging people to engage in rather pointless clapping exercises.

    3. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      If I could, I would. Perhaps I might try a Twitter campaign to see if I can generate some interest in the idea.

      All the best,


  3. One of the late night talk shows here sometimes has done a segment called "The kind of story we need right now" (but not recently as far as I can tell). The story of Captain Sir Thomas Moore is exactly that, the kind of story we need right now. And someone for the UK to be proud of! May he rest in peace.

    1. Fitz-Badger,

      There are some people who appear humble, but are not. In Captain Tom’s case, there was genuine humility and care for his fellow man, and this shone out in every interview he gave. He served both as a symbol of what we can all aspire to be and a reminder of a time when people cared without having to make a big song and dance about it. He was the good news story that we needed ... and still need.

      All the best,


  4. Replies
    1. Geordie an Exile FoG,

      I hope that in some way we can all be as active and inspirational as we get older.

      All the best,



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