

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Nugget 333

The editor sent me the latest issue of THE NUGGET last weekend, and I have just uploaded the PDF version to the Wargame Developments website. It can be downloaded and read online using the password that was sent to all members when they resubscribed.

This issue will only be available as a download until the current lockdown has been eased. At that point a printed copy will be produced and sent out to full members. In the interim, a copy of the PDF version will also be sent as an email attachment to all members later today.

In addition to the current issue of THE NUGGET, a COLOUR SUPPLEMENT has also been uploaded to the Wargame Developments website ...

... as well as a free game entitled DONALD TRUMP VS. DONALD TRUMP. This game was written by Russell King, and only requires a copy of the download and some D6 dice to play.

IMPORTANT: Please note that this is the sixth issue of THE NUGGET to be published for the 2020-2021 subscription year. If you have not yet re-subscribed, a reminder was sent to you. If you wish to re-subscribe using the PayPal option on the relevant page of the website, you can use the existing buttons as the subscription cost has not changed.


  1. Just downloaded my copies and I'm glad to see the addition of Battle For Seattle and UATHMF to the list of COIN games. They sprang to mind as I was listening to the presentations.
    My discovering BFS and UATWMF went a long way to changing my perspectives on what a war game could be.
    I'm also looking forward to playing with those rules for The Convoy.
    Nothing gets me excited like the promise of simple rules and a fun game. That and Taco Tuesday.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      I’m pleased to read that you’ve already downloaded the copies I sent you. Brian Train is a consummate wargame designer, and his work deserves the highest praise.

      I was interested to see how John Armatys had developed the GNW rules for an earlier period. If I ever revise my PNW book, I’d like to include them.

      I’ll have to take your word about the enjoyability of tacos as I’ve never eaten one!

      All the best,



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