

Saturday 20 February 2021

Some more figures for one of my existing Portable Wargame armies

I found some unbased pre-painted figures to add to the existing PORTABLE WARGAME army that I featured in my last blog post, and I have just finished gluing them to their bases.

Once the glue has set, I will paint the edge of the bases to seal them, and then I can begin adding natural-coloured cork flock to the bases.

The additional figures include five bases of Lancers (without their lances, which I am still looking for), two bases of red coated cavalry (which I think started life as mounted officers, but which will 'do' for heavy cavalry), three extra bases on infantry, and a supply column/pack horse base.


  1. They’re great looking figures. The epitome of British Colonial soldiers.

    1. Nundanket,

      Cheers! They must be at least twenty-five years old ... and I wish that I could still buy them ready painted.

      All the best,


  2. Basing too here in the Duchy and getting out the gloss varnish too! It is the perennial debate about plain basing v flock/scenic ones. I am tending towards plain for my old Minifigs ones and terrained for Empress Miniatures for example. I look forward to seeing how yours turn out .

    1. Tradgardmastare,

      I am going to glass varnish the figures when they have been renovated ... and then flock the bases with finely ground cork so they match my existing figures. I’ve used plain green painted bases for my Napoleonic collection, but the cork seems to work well with the smaller figures.

      All the best,


  3. Those are rather nice Bob and I look forward to seeing them flocked:)

    1. Steve J.,

      I hope to have them done in a couple of days ... assuming that something urgent doesn’t crop up.

      All the best,


  4. I like the look of those reminds me of the old school games I used to play. WRG games. Looking forward to seeing them finished.

    1. Stephen Smith,

      I have tended to go for an ‘old school’ look over recent years ... and I am very pleased that I have.

      All the best,



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