

Monday 22 March 2021

Using up the odds and ends

One byproduct of my recent FUNNY LITTLE WARS/PORTABLE WARGAME project has been the opportunity to use various odds and ends of figures to create units that I will be able to use in games. For example, my ARMY KHAKI currently comprises figures that I had painted years ago for a project that never came to fruition. They are about to be reinforced by some more painted figures that were bought second-hand because it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Looking through my storage boxes, I’ve found some painted American Civil War Union Infantry that will - with a few minor modifications - be suitable for inclusion in an army where blue jackets are worn ... such as the Greek Army at the end of the nineteenth century. I have also found a number of painted World War I US Army figures as well as some Prussian/Imperial German infantry ... including a number of Landwehr. There are certainly enough of these figures to provide the basis for two more FUNNY LITTLE WARS/PORTABLE WARGAME armies, although the absence of suitable cavalry and artillery figures is something that I might need to address.


  1. Hello there Bob,

    It is always satisfying when a new use is made of anything ‘odds and ends’ related - with me it tends to be odd things that can be used in scratch building or pieces from board games. The beauty is that even if you have to buy something to complete the project in hand invariably it is cheaper than starting it from scratch so another plus point!

    Good shout re the ACW/Greeks!

    All the best,


    1. David Crook,

      Over the years (too many to contemplate!), I’ve acquired boxes full of odds and ends that I am hoping to find a use for. The problem is there are just too many storage boxes to go through!

      All the best,


  2. I have some SYW militia battalions manned by odds and ends collected up and given a common uniform coat colour. It is a universal constant for wargamers i think.

    1. Mike C,

      Some of my best performing wargame units are made up of all sorts of odds and ends of figures.

      All the best,


  3. Hi Bob -
    Isn't it funny, though, how an 'odds and ends' project leads to additional purchases or building programmes 'to fill in the gaps'?

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      Very true. Yesterday, I bought a new storage box for my ARMY KHAKI because I wanted to make sure that it would be securely stored ... and then found that I had a similar empty storage box in my office!

      All the best,


  4. Excellent idea Bob. I am slowly working my way through my 'bits and bobs' Blue Box time capsule of 1980s gaming, explored during First Lockdown - stray Peter Laing, 80s plastics

    I have also enjoyed creating Cordery's Composite Cavalry type units of scrap Napoleonics sold for meltdown - Forgotten Minor States into which I can slot any suitably hatted and colour-coated troops (acquired tracking down Peter Laing figures)

    1. Mark, Man of TIN,

      I was amazed at the number of odds and ends I have stored in numerous boxes ... and try to spend a few minutes every day going through a box and looking for inspiration.

      I like your composite units! They are the sort of units I hope to put together with some of my odds and ends.

      All the best,



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