

Saturday 24 April 2021

Restarting work on a project

Having just bought some new paint for my stalled Napoleonic project, it was obvious that I’d begin work on my Eastern Front/Great Patriotic War project first!

Before I went into hospital, I experimented with flocking the artillery bases from my 1st Hungarian Infantry Division. The experiment did not go well, and whilst trying to remove the guns from their bases in order to rebase them, they both suffered minor damage. I found them whilst tidying my worktable and decided that I ought to repair and rebase them before I started anything else. This should take me a couple of days ... I hope.

They may be joined by a couple of tanks that I found half-finished on my worktable, but as I am trying to take things slowly and carefully, they may have to wait a bit longer before they join the ranks of the collection.


  1. Hi Bob -
    Yep - that's the way it goes, sometimes. A bit like going backwards to go forwards: to do THIS I need to do THAT but there's THIS OTHER THING to do beforehand, and that requires SOMETHING ELSE to be done first...

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I’m trying to turn over a new leaf and to be a bit tidier when it comes to my worktable. The first thing that I am trying to do is to actually finish things that I have started before starting on something new, hence doing the work on the artillery for my Hungarians and then the tanks for my Germans. Once they are complete, I hope to do some work renovating some of my Napoleonic figures. Not so much going backwards to go forwards, but more like a step sideways to clear the path ahead ... I hope!

      All the best,



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