

Friday 27 August 2021

A short progress report

I am currently making slow but steady progress on my two concurrent projects. I have begun painting the artillery for my FUNNY LITTLE WARS/PORTABLE WARGAME ARMY BLACK and these should be finished by early in September, and I am working on the first couple of chapters of the book version of my Balkan League Matrix Game and tabletop rules.

The book will contain a brief history of the early development of the Matrix Game and a simple explanation (with examples) of how to run one. I then intend to present a revised version of the campaign game that appeared on the pages of THE NUGGET and WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED back in the early 1990s as well as an army-level version of the PORTABLE WARGAME so that players can fight any battles that the campaign game generates.

With luck, I might be able to make significant progress on both projects over the forthcoming long weekend, but as I am taking part in a lawn game tomorrow, I might not be able to do very much until Sunday.


  1. Hi BOB,
    Certainly looking forward to the addition of the 15mm Artillery for FLW Project- steady work is it's own reward. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I have three field guns, two machine guns, and ten crew figures to paint. I think I should be able to paint them in a couple of hours spread over three or four days.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob -
    Looking forward to the book and to your write-up of the lawn game...

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I hope that you won’t have to wait too long before you can read the book … and I hope to do a write a blog post about the lawn game on Sunday or Monday.

      All the best,


  3. Bob,
    More goodies to look forward to. 😀
    I have just got pdf copies of Funny Little wars and the associated campaign book etc from TVAG. Lots of reading for rules magpies not to mention inspiration for Imaginations.

    All this and a lodge meeting tomorrow!



    1. Mike C,

      I am sure that you’ll enjoy the FLW book. Tomorrow’s lawn game is a play-test of the inter-war version of the rules, and I hope that it will be published sometime within the next twelve months.

      I have no lodge meetings until the end of September … and then they will come think and fast, with at least one or two every week. On top of that, now that I am a Grand Officer I am expected to be a liaison/visiting officer for four or five lodges.



    2. I look forward to reading about your lawn game very much.

    3. Tradgardmastare,

      I’m looking forward to taking part … as a Republican general during the Spanish Civil War.

      All the best,



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